
    The old driver angrily scolded the intelligent driving addict: You are a terrible person

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Scattered Star Sand

     The old driver angrily scolded the intelligent driving addict: You are a terrible person

    Recently, a blogger publicly criticized a car owner who was keen on intelligent driving and questioned his misoperation when using intelligent driving functions. The blogger stressed that this kind of behavior is dangerous.

    The owner once told the program group that he had installed a counterweight ring on the steering wheel to better use the intelligent driving function. However, this action caused netizens to report and was warned by the traffic police of suspected illegal and dangerous driving behavior, but the owner pleaded that his driving behavior was OK.

    However, the blogger refuted the owner's argument. According to the traffic regulations, drivers must always pay attention to the situation of the vehicle in front to ensure the continuous control of the vehicle, and the operation of releasing hands and feet is obviously against the law. The blogger also pointed out that their column will receive reports on accidents caused by intelligent driving every week, and stressed that the current intelligent driving systems of all brands cannot guarantee 100% safety.

    The blogger finally warned: "People like you haven't realized how dangerous their actions are." He reminded everyone that "life is in your own hands", "you can ignore your own safety", but he called, "When you drive on the road, please respect the lives of others".

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The old driver angrily scolded the intelligent driving addict: You are a terrible person true report seven hundred and thirty Recently, a blogger publicly criticized a car owner who was keen on intelligent driving and questioned his misoperation when using intelligent driving functions. The blogger stressed that this kind of behavior is dangerous. The owner once told the program group that he had installed a counterweight ring on the steering wheel to better use the intelligent driving function. However, this action caused netizens to report and was warned by the traffic police that it was suspected of illegal and dangerous
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