
    Win11 24H2 big update: two common gadgets will be removed

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Scattered Star Sand

     Win11 24H2 big update: two common gadgets will be removed

    According to the latest Windows 11 24H2 update, Microsoft will automatically remove Cortana, Tips and WordPad applications. The update of this version has been released in the Windows Insider member of the Release Preview channel, and the change has been clearly indicated in the update log.

    Cortana is an application that Microsoft announced to stop supporting in the support document released last June. It has been completely removed in the Canary preview version last August. A prompt will pop up when the user accesses the application, indicating that the current application has been abandoned.

    WordPad is one of the applications in the Win10/Win11 system that have not been actively developed for a long time. In the future, Microsoft will remove it through Windows update. The exact date has not yet been determined.

    Tips is a small tool pre installed in Win11 system, which can help users quickly learn about various new functions and provide various tips. These skills include finding keyboard shortcuts, finding ways to optimize your computer, and in-depth understanding Office Productivity skills and enhance the ability to play games on Windows.

    With the departure of Cortana and Tips, two commonly used gadgets are missing from the Win10/Win11 system. However, in the latest version of the 24H2 update, Microsoft did delete many other content to better improve system performance and user experience.

    To sum up, this Windows 11 24H2 update is a major adjustment made by Microsoft to the system, removing some old or no longer used applications and tools. This may bring some changes to users, but it also means better system stability and performance.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Win11 24H2 big update: two common gadgets will be removed true report one thousand and two According to the latest Windows 11 24H2 update, Microsoft will automatically remove Cortana, Tips and WordPad applications. The update of this version has been released in the Windows Insider member of the Release Preview channel, and the change has been clearly indicated in the update log. Cortana is an application that Microsoft announced to stop supporting in the support document released last June
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