
    Experts call for lifting the anti motorcycle policy in some cities

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Scattered Star Sand

     Experts call for lifting the anti motorcycle policy in some cities

    On May 25, at the China Motorcycle Industry Summit Forum, Li Daokui, a professor of Tsinghua University, said that the motorcycle industry in the current context of consumption contains huge potential, and it should consider lifting the anti motorcycle policy in some cities to meet consumer demand and stimulate industry vitality. She believes that the compulsory scrapping system will increase the cost of car purchase, make consumers feel uneconomical, and then lead to a decline in consumption, which is not conducive to industrial development.

    However, experts point out that it is a fact that some motorcycle riders do not obey the traffic rules and rampage on the road. However, everything has risks and cannot be simply prohibited. Electric vehicles also exist in the market and have undergone long-term evolution. It can become a mature product only if it plays an important role in the overall use ecology. Once prohibited, it will produce a series of chain reactions.

    For ordinary people, motorcycles are cheap and high-quality commuting tools. They have low pollution, small land occupation and high traffic efficiency. The electric bicycle usually covers the travel demand of 10-25 km/h and 5-10 km travel distance; The motorcycle can cover the travel demand of 25-40km/h and 10-20km travel distance. In terms of faster speed and longer distance, it is necessary to use cars and other motor vehicles.

    Li Daokui mentioned that Xi'an lifted the motorcycle ban in 2017 and became the first city in China to lift the ban. In addition, Langfang, Jinan, Qingdao and other cities have also successively lifted the motorcycle restriction policy. She also pointed out that in consideration of safety issues, city managers should give priority to solving the problem of violations of electric bicycles, and gradually relax the restrictions on motorcycles.

    Finally, Li Daokui called on all social parties to work together to create a safe and convenient motorcycle environment and promote the development and improvement of the entire industrial chain.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Experts call for lifting the anti motorcycle policy in some cities true report one thousand and sixty-eight On May 25, at the China Motorcycle Industry Summit Forum, Li Daokui, a professor of Tsinghua University, said that the motorcycle industry in the current context of consumption contains huge potential, and it should consider lifting the anti motorcycle policy in some cities to meet consumer demand and stimulate industry vitality. She believes that the compulsory scrapping system will increase the cost of car purchase, make consumers feel uneconomical, and then lead to a decline in consumption, which is not conducive to industrial development
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