
    One million players simultaneously launched the online "uninhibited alliance"

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     One million players simultaneously launched the online "uninhibited alliance"

    In order to celebrate the successful release of Unlimited Alliance, Ubisoft decided to launch the Double Experience Weekend. This activity has been launched recently, and will last until 10 a.m. Pacific Time on May 28 (1 a.m. Beijing Time on May 29). During this period, players can obtain double weapon experience points in this free first person shooting game, so as to unlock new weapons and accessories more quickly.

    Although the problem of the "Tudou" server of the uninhibited alliance caused a large number of players to wait online, the game still received high attention on various social media and attracted 1 million players in an hour and a half yesterday.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: One million players simultaneously launched the online "uninhibited alliance" true report three hundred and eighty-six In order to celebrate the successful release of Unlimited Alliance, Ubisoft decided to launch the Double Experience Weekend. This activity has been launched recently, and will last until 10 a.m. Pacific Time on May 28 (1 a.m. Beijing Time on May 29). During this period, players can obtain double weapon experience points in this free first person shooting game, so as to unlock new weapons and accessories more quickly. Although "No..."
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