
    LeEco employees call Jia Yueting We think you have someone who chokes up and wants to see Jia Yueting

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

    LeEco staff video called Jia Yueting "We miss you". An employee said, "Now we are also proud. Everyone envies LeEco. There is no 996 and no scroll"; Another employee said regretfully, "After he (Jia Yueting) left, the product may not be as subversive as before, and there may be some psychological differences."

    In the video, a LeEco employee sobbed and said, "I hope one day I can see him. At the moment I see him, all the grievances in my heart may be released. Look, we are still holding fast, and we are still working hard to make the company better. We are the people you are worth trusting. We don't want to get anything from President Jia, we just want to talk about it one day. "

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: LeEco employees call Jia Yueting We think you have someone who chokes up and wants to see Jia Yueting true report four hundred and sixty-five LeEco staff video called Jia Yueting "We miss you". An employee said, "Now we are also proud. Everyone envies LeEco. There is no 996 and no scroll"; Another employee said regretfully, "After he (Jia Yueting) left, the product may not be as subversive as it used to be, and there may be some psychological differences." In the video, a LeEco employee sobbed, "I hope there is
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