
    SAIC: mass production of solid state batteries in 2026

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Lin Yousan

     SAIC: mass production of solid state batteries in 2026

    SAIC Group officially released the new generation base technology for the "new track" at the "New Energy Technology Conference for the New Decade" last night, announcing that it will mass produce solid state batteries in 2026.

    SAIC will achieve this goal through a three-step strategy. The first stage is the product liquid content of 10%, that is, the light year battery (semi-solid) that has been applied to Zhiji L6 at present. This battery has an energy density of more than 300Wh/kg and a range of more than 1000km.

    The liquid content of the product in the second stage is 5%, and it is expected to start large-scale launch next year, including Zhiji and other SAIC pure electric/hybrid models. The goal of the third stage is to reduce the product liquid content to 0, that is, all solid state battery. It is planned to achieve mass production in 2026.

    It is understood that SAIC's all solid state batteries are based on the polymer inorganic composite electrolyte technology route. At present, SAIC Qingtao has established its first all solid state battery production line and plans to complete it by the end of 2025. The capacity planning of Phase I will reach 0.5GWh, and the energy density of products in Phase I will reach more than 400Wh/kg, while in Phase II it will exceed 500Wh/kg.

    In addition to all solid state batteries, SAIC also announced to rely on solid state batteries, energy closed-loop, efficient powertrain, intelligent chassis, and full stack Software With the breakthrough and application of innovative technologies such as architecture and new electronic architecture, SAIC's "seven technology bases" have been comprehensively upgraded into the 2.0 era.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: SAIC: mass production of solid state batteries in 2026 true report eight hundred and forty-seven SAIC Group officially released the new generation base technology for the "new track" at the "New Energy Technology Conference for the New Decade" last night, announcing that it will mass produce solid state batteries in 2026. SAIC will achieve this goal through a three-step strategy. The first stage is the product liquid content of 10%, that is, the light year battery (semi-solid) that has been applied to Zhiji L6 at present. This battery's
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