
    An Audi owner in Shenyang said that he was harassed by the renewal pop-up window and could not shut down permanently by himself

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     An Audi owner in Shenyang said that he was harassed by the renewal pop-up window and could not shut down permanently by himself

    Three years ago, Mr. Li from Shenyang bought a 2021 model Audi A6 L car, the manufacturer gave away three years of car engine networking services. This service ran into problems after it expired on March 31 this year.

    It is reported that after the service expires, every time the vehicle is started, a pop-up window of "Renewal Reminder" will pop up, displaying the need to pay for the purchase of car Internet service on the large screen of the central control. If you do not manually close this pop-up window, other interfaces will not be displayed. Moreover, if the "Renewal pop-up window" is not closed in advance, the reversing image will also be affected.

    Mr. Li wanted to communicate with the 4S store to solve the problem at the first time, but the Liaoning Jietongda Audi 4S store where he bought the car had already been closed. He called the customer service of the Audi manufacturer and learned that the pop-up window can be closed through an MI setting, but the pop-up window of "Renewal Notice" still exists after the customer service prompts.

    Then Mr. Li called Audi's official customer service again and explained the situation. Customer service said that they would report the problem to the manufacturer's background and ask Mr. Li to wait for notification. However, after a long wait, the customer service finally replied to Mr. Li: "The pop-up window designed by the manufacturer cannot be closed by the owner."

    In response to this problem, the Morning News contacted the staff of Audi China's Public Relations Department and said that she would transfer it to the relevant responsible personnel for handling. However, as of press release, Audi China's PR Department has not replied.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: An Audi owner in Shenyang said that he was harassed by the renewal pop-up window and could not shut down permanently by himself true report eight hundred and thirty-five Three years ago, Mr. Li from Shenyang bought a 2021 Audi A6L car, and the manufacturer gave away three years of Internet of Vehicles service. This service ran into problems after it expired on March 31 this year. It is reported that after the service expires, every time the vehicle is started, a pop-up window of "Renewal Reminder" will pop up, displaying the need to pay for the purchase of car Internet service on the large screen of the central control. If you do not manually close this pop-up window, its
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