
    Huawei Digital China Tour 2024 · Xinjiang New Quality Productivity Summit Successfully Held in Urumqi

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    On May 22, the Huawei Digital China Tour 2024 · Xinjiang New Quality Productivity Summit was held in Urumqi with the theme of "Digital, Intelligent, and Prosperity Jointly Touching the Future". The Summit was hosted by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ("Huawei" for short) and guided by the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Digital Development Bureau. At this summit, Huawei aims to work with government leaders, industry bigwigs and industry experts to focus on hot issues in the field of digital economy and computing power, make suggestions for opening up the main artery of digital infrastructure in the region, unblock the big cycle of data resources, improve customer business value, and help build a digital economy, digital government, digital society, and digital ecological civilization, Improve Xinjiang's new quality productivity.

    Digital intelligence: building integrated computing power and developing Xinjiang's new quality productivity

    Building a digital China is an important engine to promote Chinese style modernization in the digital era, and a strong support to build a new competitive advantage of the country. Strengthening the construction of digital government, as a basic and leading project for the construction of digital China, is of great significance to accelerating the transformation of government functions and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and capacity. Relying on its unique geographical advantages, rich energy resources and increasingly perfect information infrastructure, Xinjiang has provided unique conditions for the development of big data and cloud computing industries.

    Deputy Party Leadership Group of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Digital Development Bureau secretary Director Qujiangfeng said in his speech that Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, as an important region in western China, has been committed to grasping the development opportunities of digital economy, accelerating the construction of digital ecology, and constantly exploring and practicing with the goal of achieving high-quality development. In the past year, under the leadership of the Party Committee and the government of the autonomous region, the Digital Development Bureau of the autonomous region, closely centering on the national strategic deployment on the digital economy, actively promoted digital reform, worked hard to create a good digital development environment, and injected new vitality into the economic and social development of Xinjiang. This summit is a good opportunity to discuss the digital transformation of Xinjiang with all units and enterprises in Xinjiang.

    Tao Jingwen, the director, CIO and president of quality process IT of Huawei, said in his speech that he was very happy to come to his hometown Xinjiang again, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the guests present. He mentioned that President Xi Jinping secretary At the symposium on promoting the development of the western region in the new era held in April, it was emphasized that the new pattern of high-quality development in the development of the western region should be further formed. Xinjiang also faces new historical development opportunities. Huawei will give full play to its accumulation and advantages in technology, innovation and digital transformation, adhere to focusing on practice and hard work in digital transformation, work with Xinjiang's customers and partners, promote the integration of data and reality by practice, create higher value for customers and society, and open a new chapter in high-quality development of digital Xinjiang.

    Wu Shouer Slam, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, shared the key points in the 2024 government work report in the keynote speech of Building Integrated Computing Power, Helping Xinjiang's High Quality Development of Digital Economy, especially the important impact of Xinjiang's integrated computing power construction program on economic and social development. As the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt, Xinjiang's strategic position at the starting point of its free trade zone and China Pakistan Economic Corridor makes it a key node for the development of green computing power and artificial intelligence. The construction of Xinjiang Integrated Computing Center aims to integrate into the national integrated computing network system, and provide strong support for the transformation of new and old drivers of the real economy, new scientific and technological revolution, and intelligent government governance. This initiative will not only deepen regional scientific and technological innovation, but also strengthen connectivity with neighboring countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and jointly promote the prosperity of the "Digital Silk Road".

    Deputy to Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Federation of Industry and Commerce chairman Sun Weiting issued a case sharing on "new quality productivity and industrial transformation of traditional cotton textile enterprises" at the summit. Sun Weiting said that the judgment of cotton textile, yarn and fashion color trends increasingly needs to use advanced big data, artificial intelligence and other high-tech innovation technologies for industrial empowerment, and share their own digital In the process of intelligent transformation, many attempts have been made to adopt advanced information technology, improve data management systems and other aspects, and remarkable results have been achieved. Its cases provide valuable experience and practical reference for the digital and intelligent transformation of traditional industries in Xinjiang, and also contribute to the digital and intelligent transformation of the entire industry. Sun Weiting also said that in 2024, he would accelerate the pace of investment in the construction of Aksu urban public computing platform project in Xinjiang, open a new track in the field of artificial intelligence, and boost the development of new quality productivity in Xinjiang.

    Jointly touch the future: start the future of computing power and build a better future of digital intelligence

    Shi Pei, vice president of Huawei Shengteng business, said in the theme sharing of "Building an Intelligent Foundation Together, Leading a New Future for AI" that Huawei is committed to building a Shengteng native ecosystem together Global The second option is available. As a key tool, Shengsi MindSpot makes the construction of a large model simple. It only needs more than 10 lines of code, and is equipped with rich high-level APIs and parallel algorithms, making model fine-tuning and evaluation more convenient. So far, Huawei has more than 1600 ISV partners, providing more than 2900 scenario solutions, and steadily increasing its market share. In order to further promote ecological development, we have implemented the original enabling plan, including measures such as technology empowerment, development support and joint innovation, with an annual investment of 1 billion yuan to encourage developers and innovators. Huawei's vision is to build an intelligent Internet of everything world Through enabling application innovation, we are building a solid AI computing base to stimulate a steady flow of original innovation power.

    Digital Technology Department of Xinjiang Airport Group minister Yang Dong mentioned in the theme sharing of "Boosting the Intelligent Development of Airports with Digital Thinking and Practice" that China's Fourteen Five Digit Economic Development Plan clearly proposed that enterprises should be guided to strengthen digital thinking, improve the overall digital literacy and skills of the industry, and promote the digital transformation of all industries, including airports. The construction of smart airports has been regarded as the key to leading the construction of four types of airports. For example, the practice of Shenzhen and Beijing Daxing airports shows how smart airports can optimize their operations through advanced digital technology. Facing the future, the smart airport will promote data sharing and collaboration through the construction of information infrastructure to achieve comprehensive digitalization, networking and intelligence. As shown in the 2030 and 2035 plans, intelligence will cover all elements, processes and scenarios of the civil aviation industry, providing seamless passenger experience and Efficient Regulatory platform. Therefore, digital transformation is not only the high-quality development of civil aviation drive Force is an important path to build a strong civil aviation country.

    During the summit, the launching ceremony of "Aksu Urban Public Computing Platform Industrial Ecology" was held with the participation and witness of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Digital Development Bureau. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. joined with ecological partners, Kunlun Technologies, Hua Kun Zhenyu, Xinjiang University and other partners to participate in the ceremony. The event also marked that ecological partners strengthen cooperation, give full play to their advantages in their respective fields, jointly promote the rapid implementation of Aksu's urban public computing platform project, and drive the development of Xinjiang's digital economy, It will also promote the transformation and upgrading of local industries.

    With the continuous progress of technology and the expansion of application scenarios, digital transformation will become an important engine to promote economic and social development. Xinjiang, a hot land full of vitality and potential, is standing at a new starting point of digital development and ushering in unprecedented development opportunities. Huawei is willing to work with its ecological partners to vigorously develop integrated computing power and promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy. By building an integrated computing power center, more innovative resources will be attracted to form a strong innovation force, which will provide strong support for the transformation of new and old drivers of the real economy. Facing the future, Huawei will help Xinjiang to strengthen the research, development and application of digital technology, promote the deep integration of digital technology with various industries, and create a new economic form that is digital, networked, and intelligent. true report four thousand eight hundred and forty-seven On May 22, the Huawei Digital China Tour 2024 · Xinjiang New Quality Productivity Summit was held in Urumqi with the theme of "Digital, Intelligent, and Prosperity Jointly Touching the Future". The Summit was hosted by Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. ("Huawei" for short) and guided by the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Digital Development Bureau. At this summit, Huawei aims to work with government leaders, industry leaders and industry experts to focus
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