
    Fingertip Blood Sacrifice mysterious girl leads you into the bloody world

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

     Fingertip Blood Sacrifice mysterious girl leads you into the bloody world

    Recently, Brutal Complex, a horror adventure game created by Japanese developer brutal_vap, officially released its preview video. The game is expected to officially meet players in 2025.

    In this game, the player will play a boy and have a mysterious ceremony with a girl one day. They bit each other's skin and walked towards the "white space" along the blood, which is also considered as a way to the dream world. This scene reminds us of the two very popular games, Dream Diary and OMORI.

    This game has been launched on the platform, and interested players can go to view the officially released game links. If you want more information, please follow the Brutal Complex section.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Fingertip Blood Sacrifice mysterious girl leads you into the bloody world true report four hundred and eighty-eight Recently, Brutal Complex, a horror adventure game created by Japanese developer brutal_vap, officially released its preview video. The game is expected to officially meet players in 2025. In this game, the player will play a boy and have a mysterious ceremony with a girl one day. They bit each other's skin and walked towards the "white space" along the blood, which is also recognized
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