
    PKU successfully developed 2712 programmable topology photonic chips with excellent comprehensive performance

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Two or three cups of cola

     PKU successfully developed 2712 programmable topology photonic chips with excellent comprehensive performance

    Recently, researchers Wang Jianwei, Professor Hu Xiaoyong and Professor Gong Qihuang from the Institute of Modern Optics, School of Physics, Peking University and their collaborators successfully developed a programmable topological photonic chip based on large-scale integrated optics. In an area of 11mm × 7mm, the chip integrates 2712 elements on a single chip, including 96 high quality factor microring arrays and 300 independently adjustable optical phase shifters and interferometers.

    Through the rapid real-time programming reconstruction of the topology chip, the research team realized the functions including the phase transition of the Floquet topology insulator excited by the coupling strength and phase respectively, the observation of topological phenomena related to statistical properties, and the realization of topological insulators under a variety of different lattice structures. This achievement broadens the boundary of topological photonics and makes it highly reconfigurable and programmable for the first time, providing a new way to study topological materials science and develop topological photonic technology.

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    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: PKU successfully developed 2712 programmable topology photonic chips with excellent comprehensive performance true report six hundred and sixteen Recently, researchers Wang Jianwei, Professor Hu Xiaoyong and Professor Gong Qihuang from the Institute of Modern Optics, School of Physics, Peking University and their collaborators successfully developed a programmable topological photonic chip based on large-scale integrated optics. The chip integrates 2712 elements in an area of 11mm × 7mm, including 96 high quality factor microring arrays, 300 independently adjustable optical phase shifters and
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