
    96 games approved Leisure puzzle games are still popular

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     96 games approved Leisure puzzle games are still popular

    Today evening, the State Press and Publication Administration announced the approval information of domestic online games in May 2024, and 96 new games were approved. According to the message, these new games include 6 mobile and client games and 90 mobile games (including 39 leisure and educational mobile games).

    It is worth noting that in the approved list of this edition, works of several listed companies are involved, such as: Jibit's Thunder Game "Fight Two Cities: Reconstruction", and March 7's "Four Seasons City and Dom Waxy, etc. At the same time, there are also China Mobile Migu Elvis Presley for hegemony, which was entertaining each other, and Alibaba's Secret Service, which was entertaining each other.

    As far as the issue of version numbers is concerned, by the middle of this year, the number of game version numbers has exceeded 500, and the distribution frequency is further stable than last year. According to statistics, 570 games have been approved (including 46 imported games). In this regard, the relevant institutions predict that the total number of editions issued this year will exceed that of last year.

    As for the approval result, a game industry analyst said: "Leisure puzzle games are still the eye-catching package in this batch of editions, and small and medium-sized game companies have also achieved a lot." At the same time, he said: "The stable distribution of edition numbers will also promote the launch of more new products. Near the summer vacation, game companies began to intensively test and launch new products."

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: 96 games approved Leisure puzzle games are still popular true report eight hundred and eighteen Today evening, the State Press and Publication Administration announced the approval information of domestic online games in May 2024, and 96 new games were approved. According to the message, these new games include 6 mobile and client games and 90 mobile games (including 39 leisure and educational mobile games). It is worth noting that in the list of approved version numbers, works of several listed companies are involved, such as Ji
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