
    Japanese wife prepares 30 dinners for her husband after 9 months of pregnancy, which leads netizens to swear

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

     Japanese wife prepares 30 dinners for her husband after 9 months of pregnancy, which leads netizens to swear

    Recently, a news about Japanese couples triggered a heated debate among netizens. It is reported that a Japanese wife who is about to give birth prepared a month's dinner for her husband in advance and frozen it in the refrigerator for his life problems. She also expressed her intention to her husband through social media messages.

    However, this message has aroused outside doubts and criticism. Some people think that the husband is too lazy, and even doubt his housework ability. However, some people retort that every family has its own way of getting along. The wife only did these things for her husband out of her own free will, not under compulsion.

    Nevertheless, the matter has aroused extensive discussion on the Internet. Some people think that the husband should not be blamed, because everyone has a difficult time; Others believe that this event has exposed the "giant baby" phenomenon in Japanese society.

    In short, anything can happen in the online world. We can't use the keyboard to judge others' lives, let alone comment on others' marriages. After all, everyone has their own unique story and background. We should respect their choice, and remind ourselves not to become the "giant baby" in the eyes of others.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Japanese wife prepares 30 dinners for her husband after 9 months of pregnancy, which leads netizens to swear true report seven hundred and thirty-four Recently, a news about Japanese couples triggered a heated debate among netizens. It is reported that a Japanese wife who is about to give birth prepared a month's dinner for her husband in advance and frozen it in the refrigerator for his life problems. She also expressed her intention to her husband through social media messages. However, this message has aroused outside doubts and criticism. Some people think that this husband
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