
    Former producer of "Warcraft": Ubisoft is trapped by minority groups and forces the black protagonist

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Two or three cups of cola

     Former producer of "Warcraft": Ubisoft is trapped by minority groups and forces the black protagonist

    A highly anticipated new work《 Assassin's Creed : The film recently released its first preview, in which the long rumored black warrior Mishu and the female ninja Naixujiang appeared, which triggered resistance from many players. Some people doubt whether Ubisoft pursues political correctness too much in this work and loses the original story background.

    Grummz, the former producer of World of Warcraft, expressed his opinion on this. He thought that Ubisoft seemed to be trapped in political correctness. According to a Ubisoft writer who participated in the creation of the game, the original story is very different from the current version, and the black attendant Mishu is the main character. Ubisoft employees generally report that the company is restricted in diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI), which is also a very depressing point in work.

    In The Assassin's Creed: Shadow, Mishu appeared at an important checkpoint between Zhitian and Tokugawa in Weizhou, and provided some support to Shinchang. However, in the end, he betrayed Xinchang and was imprisoned, which was the only time that he was mentioned in the game. Although there is little information about Mishu, Ubisoft still decides to portray him as the main character.

    After the news came out, it caused extensive discussion among players. Some people thought that this was too focused on the correct political results and ignored the original intention of the game; However, some people believe that in today's society, if you want to truly reflect the image of a pluralistic society, it is very necessary to attach importance to cultural inclusion. In any case, "Assassin's Creed: Shadow" finally needs players to judge its success.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Former producer of "Warcraft": Ubisoft is trapped by minority groups and forces the black protagonist true report nine hundred and eighty-five The highly anticipated new work "Assassin's Creed: Shadow" recently released its first preview, in which the long rumored black warrior Misuke and Ninja Naixujiang appeared, which triggered resistance from many players. Some people doubt whether Ubisoft pursues political correctness too much in this work and loses the original story background. Grummz, the former producer of World of Warcraft, expressed his opinion on this
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