
    See you on May 15!

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Two or three cups of cola

     See you on May 15!

    Huawei officially announced that it will hold a grand summer full scene new product launch on May 15. According to the signs of the recent global innovative product conference held in Dubai, the industry generally speculates that the new MatePad, MateBook and Intelligent Watch It is expected to appear at the domestic press conference.

    According to the statistics of Canalys and IDC, the authoritative market research institutions, Huawei will perform strongly in the tablet and smart wear market in 2023. Especially in the fourth quarter, Huawei's shipments in both the domestic tablet and smart wear markets ranked first, and were favored and recognized by consumers. Canalys predicts that the global smart wear market is expected to grow by 7% in 2024 with technological progress and consumer demand growth.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: See you on May 15! true report six hundred and eighty-eight Huawei officially announced that it will hold a grand summer full scene new product launch on May 15. According to the signs of the recent global innovative product conference held in Dubai, the industry generally speculates that the new MatePad, MateBook and smart watch are expected to appear at the domestic conference. According to the statistics of Canalys and IDC, the authoritative market research institutions, Huawei will perform strongly in the tablet and smart wear market in 2023
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