
    Hangjia successfully completed the "Green Star Brigade - VII" space airtight experiment test!

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    On April 24, 2024, on the commemorative day of the ninth China Space Day, the successful ceremony of the 15 day complete fasting of human low metabolism experiment of the "Green Star Trek VII" hosted by the Shenzhen Lvhang Interstellar Space Science and Technology Research Institute was held. As a close partner of the Institute, Hangjia Terminal Chuangyuan BG sent representatives to attend the meeting, which witnessed this landmark moment of aerospace research.

    "Green Star Brigade VII" Experiment Success Ceremony Site

    The successful completion of this experiment not only provides valuable scientific data and theoretical basis for the construction of the implementation plan of fasting and low metabolism under special conditions of space missions, but also marks a new breakthrough in China's research in the space field. During the experiment, the Institute carefully organized several stages, such as basic physiological data collection, fasting, slow refeeding, and complete refeeding, to ensure the smooth progress of the experiment. During the experiment, Hangjia provided charging Power Supply Professional support in technology and other aspects has provided an important guarantee for the smooth progress of the experiment.

    Terminal Chuangyuan BG Lu Jingguo made a speech at the ceremony

    Hangjia extended warm congratulations to the Institute and all the participants in the experiment, and thanked them for their contributions to the aerospace industry. Hangjia, as a partner of Shenzhen Lvhang Interplanetary Space Science and Technology Research Institute, has always been committed to promoting the development of aerospace industry. The company adheres to the principle of quality first, constantly pursues excellence, and has accumulated rich experience in R&D, production and manufacturing in the field of power supply. Especially in the field of chargers, Hangjia has core advantages, which can provide efficient and stable charging solutions for manned space industry.

    Group photo of representatives of enterprises and volunteers participating in the experiment

    Hangjia will continue to adhere to the spirit of innovation, pragmatism and cooperation, and work with partners such as the Green Star Space Research Institute to promote in-depth research and application in aerospace medicine, aerospace technology and other fields. At the same time, Hangjia also expects more excellent enterprises and products to join the ranks of the aerospace industry and work together to contribute to the continuous progress and development of China's aerospace industry.

    Hangjia won the plaque and certificate of successful participation in the experiment issued by Green Air Research Institute

    The success of the "Green Astrostar Tour VII" experiment not only provides strong support for the health of astronauts, but also opens a new chapter for the development of Hangjia in the aerospace field. In the future, Hangjia will continue to increase R&D investment, constantly improve product performance and quality, and contribute more wisdom and strength to the prosperity and development of China's aerospace industry! true report one thousand five hundred and nine On April 24, 2024, on the commemorative day of the ninth China Space Day, the successful ceremony of the 15 day complete fasting of human low metabolism experiment of the "Green Star Trek VII" hosted by the Shenzhen Lvhang Interstellar Space Science and Technology Research Institute was held. As a close partner of the Research Institute, Hangjia Terminal Chuangyuan BG sent representatives to attend the meeting and witnessed this milestone together
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