
    Absolutely, a woman was cheated 70 million yuan by AI Musk

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Y

    At present, the AI craze has swept the world, and many have benefited a lot from it. But at the same time, some people are cheated because of AI.

    Recently, South Korean media reported that in July last year, a woman was cheated of 70 million won (about 360000 yuan) by an AI Mask social media account. This news is really unimaginable.

    It is reported that the victim is socializing Software She was added as a friend by an account claiming to be Elon Musk on, which also sent her work photos and ID card photos, and described a series of private activities in detail, such as "children will go to SpaceX every weekend to play" and "take a private helicopter to Texas, where Tesla factory is located". In addition, the other party is also a person who looks like Musk when making a video call.

     Absolutely, a woman was cheated 70 million yuan by AI Musk

     Absolutely, a woman was cheated 70 million yuan by AI Musk

    As all friends who know AI know, it is very simple to replace and synthesize the image and voice of a public figure like Mask through AI, and the woman was cheated because the other party used Mask's face and voice, so we have to say that it is really impossible to prevent.

    However, this kind of deception is also very easy to identify. As long as you hold the idea of "no pie will fall from the sky", you will never be cheated.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Absolutely, a woman was cheated 70 million yuan by AI Musk true report seven hundred and twenty-three At present, the AI craze has swept the world, and many have benefited a lot from it. But at the same time, some people are cheated because of AI. Recently, South Korean media reported that in July last year, a woman was cheated of 70 million won (about 360000 yuan) by an AI Mask social media account. This news is really unimaginable. It is reported that the victim was claimed to be Elon Musk on social software
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