
    799 yuan! Nubian Mavericks Strongly Opens the Era of 100 yuan Mobile AI

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Wu Jiaqi

    At 14:00 yesterday afternoon, Nubia held a spring new product launch conference, and Nubia brought three AI models with different positioning and characteristics mobile phone New products are Nubia Z60 Ultra photographer version of "extraordinary AI, master image", Nubia Flip of "national foldout, AI strength school" and "5G+AI, 100 million pixels", which have strongly opened the era of 100 yuan AI Nubian calf

     799 yuan! Nubian Mavericks Strongly Opens the Era of 100 yuan Mobile AI

    Among them, Nubian Mavericks carry 6nm 5G domestic chips, launch new smart voice based on AI big model, and support intelligent translation, chat dialogue, knowledge question and answer, creative writing and other interactions. The machine will be officially launched at 10:00 a.m. on April 12, with 6+256GB selling at 799 yuan, 8+256GB selling at 999 yuan, and 12+256GB selling at 1199 yuan.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: 799 yuan! Nubian Mavericks Strongly Opens the Era of 100 yuan Mobile AI true report four hundred and fifty-five At 14:00 yesterday afternoon, Nubia held a new spring product launch conference, and Nubia brought three new AI mobile phones with different positioning and characteristics at the launch site, namely, Nubia Z60 Ultra photographer version of "extraordinary AI, master image", "national small fold, Nubia Flip and "5G+AI, 100 million pixels" of AI Powerful Group have launched Nubia Mavericks in the era of 100 yuan AI. Whose
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