
    Lei Jun announces to send Xiaomi SU7 again! Red rice team will be rewarded with one car if the goal is achieved

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     Lei Jun announces to send Xiaomi SU7 again! Red rice team will be rewarded with one car if the goal is achieved

    Lei Jun forwarded the microblog of Wang Teng, the general manager of Red Rice, and announced that the new Turbo3 product launch conference will be held on April 10. Wang Teng said in the comment area that he felt great pressure. Lei Jun forwarded the microblog and wished the conference a complete success. If the first sales target of Turbo 3 can be achieved, Xiaomi will send an SU7 to the Hongmi team.

    Hongmi's Turbo series is a performance flagship for young consumers mobile phone , aiming to redefine the pattern of the mid tier mobile phone market. This new machine will be equipped with the new flagship chip of Snapdragon 8 series, which is the first masterpiece in the new decade.

    Wang Teng, General Manager of Red Rice Company, announced that a new Turbo3 product launch conference will be held on April 10. He said that this press conference is of great significance to Red Rice, and the company is looking forward to the launch of this new product. In the comment area, Wang Teng also said that they were facing great pressure.

    At the same time, Lei Jun also forwarded Wang Teng's microblog and wished the conference a complete success. He also mentioned that if the first sales target of Turbo 3 can be achieved, Xiaomi will give a SU7 to the Hongmi team.

    In terms of products, it is reported that Hongmi's new product will be equipped with the new flagship chip of Snapdragon 8 series, which will be an important innovation in the smartphone market. In addition, other technical details have not yet been released.

    Wang Teng, general manager of Hongmi, said that they were full of expectation and confidence for the upcoming Turbo3 new product launch conference, and believed that the conference was crucial for Hongmi. At the same time, he also admitted that they faced great pressure.

    In addition, Lei Jun, the founder and CEO of Xiaomi Group, also forwarded Wang Teng's microblog and wished this new product launch a complete success. He also mentioned that if the first sales target of Turbo 3 can be achieved, Xiaomi will send an SU7 to the Hongmi team.

    It is understood that the new Hongmi mobile phone will be equipped with the new Snapdragon 8-series flagship chip, and there is also much room for upgrading in hardware configuration. These technical details and other relevant information have not yet been released.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Lei Jun announces to send Xiaomi SU7 again! Red rice team will be rewarded with one car if the goal is achieved true report one thousand two hundred and twenty-nine Lei Jun forwarded the microblog of Wang Teng, the general manager of Red Rice, and announced that the new Turbo3 product launch conference will be held on April 10. Wang Teng said in the comment area that he felt great pressure. Lei Jun forwarded the microblog and wished the conference a complete success. If the first sales target of Turbo 3 can be achieved, Xiaomi will send an SU7 to the Hongmi team. Hongmi's Turbo series is aimed at young consumers
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