
    Here comes the Little Whirlwind! Red rice official promotion new machine turbo 3

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhao Wusheng

    Hongmi officially announced a new series model, Hongmi Turbo 3, code named "Little Whirlwind", which will be released this month. According to official information, the Turbo series is positioned as the flagship of the new generation of performance and reshapes the mid end performance pattern.

     Here comes the Little Whirlwind! Red rice official promotion new machine turbo 3

    According to the exposure, Red Rice Turbo 3 was the first batch of Snapdragon 8s Gen3 platform equipped with TSMC 4nm process, which adopted a three sided equal width design and an off screen fingerprint. The score of Geekbench 6 of the new machine has also been exposed, with 1981 points for single core and 5526 points for multi core. It is estimated that the initial price is about 1699 yuan.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Here comes the Little Whirlwind! Red rice official promotion new machine turbo 3 true report three hundred and nineteen Hongmi officially announced a new series model, Hongmi Turbo 3, code named "Little Whirlwind", which will be released this month. According to official information, the Turbo series is positioned as the flagship of the new generation of performance and reshapes the mid end performance pattern. According to the exposure, the first batch of Red Rice Turbo 3 equipped with TSMC's 4nm process Snapdragon 8s Gen3 platform, which adopts a three sided equal width design and off screen fingerprints, is also the new Geekbench 6
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