
    A woman living in a home stay finds multiple hidden spaces. One person can hide behind the mirror

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

     A woman living in a home stay finds multiple hidden spaces. One person can hide behind the mirror

    On March 26, a netizen in Wuhan, Hubei found several shocking hidden spaces in the rented home stay. When the lady checked in, she found that there was a space under the bedroom mirror, enough to accommodate one person.

    Later, she noticed that there was a hidden space behind the door that had been removed. This layout made her feel unbelievable. She tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep.

    Industry insiders remind consumers that they should choose a relatively standard operator when booking home stay, and make records and keep evidence in case of disputes. If the negotiation fails, you can complain to the relevant authorities for settlement.

    In addition, before booking a home stay, you should carefully read the rules of the platform for returning or changing the order, fully communicate with the merchants in advance, confirm the responsibilities required for returning or changing the order, and negotiate the subsequent handling methods to reduce the potential dispute risk in the future.

    Since some businesses will beautify the publicity pictures by taking advantage of the fact that consumers are not familiar with the surrounding environment, it is suggested that consumers should not only select homestays based on the excessively decorated photos of businesses on the platform, but also focus on referring to the real pictures and comments uploaded by consumers in the past to avoid "stepping into the pit".

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: A woman living in a home stay finds multiple hidden spaces. One person can hide behind the mirror true report six hundred and ninety-nine On March 26, a netizen in Wuhan, Hubei found several shocking hidden spaces in the rented home stay. When the lady checked in, she found that there was a space under the bedroom mirror, enough to accommodate one person. Later, she noticed that there was a hidden space behind the door that had been removed. This layout made her feel unbelievable. She tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep. industry insiders...
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