
    Huawei P70 Image King Returns

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Zhao Wusheng

    According to the previously disclosed news, Huawei's new flagship P-series P70 will be released in April. The new news says that Huawei has positioned the importance of the P-series over that of the mate series, which means that this new machine will become an image player again.

     Huawei P70 Image King Returns

    Huawei P70 It will be equipped with the Kirin 9000S platform, which will undoubtedly be blessed with 5G, as well as new satellite communications. It is worth noting that this new machine will also have a 1-inch bottom, which is also the largest image flagship of the P series sensors.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Huawei P70 Image King Returns true report two hundred and eighty-two According to the previously disclosed news, Huawei's new flagship P-series P70 will be released in April. The new news says that Huawei has positioned the importance of the P-series over that of the mate series, which means that this new machine will become an image player again. The Huawei P70 will be equipped with the Kirin 9000S platform. There is no doubt that it will be blessed with 5G. At the same time, it will also have new satellite communications. It is worth noting that this new machine will also have a 1-inch bottom, which is also
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