
    The box office of the first day of "New Ninth Grade Sesame Official" was only 1000 yuan: the new version and the old version became beautiful women compared with Aobai

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: No. 13 Hutong

     The box office of the first day of "New Ninth Grade Sesame Official" was only 1000 yuan: the new version and the old version became beautiful women compared with Aobai

    In 1994, the classic film "Nine Grade Sesame Officials" was recently remade. The new version was named "New Nine Grade Sesame Officials" and was released in China on March 16. Although the film has some original members (such as Shiliu Sister Yuan Qiongdan and Huang Yishan) and retains the framework of the classic story, it is difficult to reach the height of the original in terms of plot and actor performance.

    After its release, New Ninth Grade Sesame Official suffered a huge setback in public praise and box office. Although the film was launched on both cinemas and online platforms, its reputation fell sharply. The box office of the first day was just over 1000 yuan (about 1550 yuan), which was widely criticized as "lowering the lower limit of online movies".

    Compared with the old version and the new version, the performance of "New Nine Grade Sesame Officials" in the public praise and box office is not satisfactory.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The box office of the first day of "New Ninth Grade Sesame Official" was only 1000 yuan: the new version and the old version became beautiful women compared with Aobai true report four hundred and seventy-seven In 1994, the classic film "Nine Grade Sesame Officials" was recently remade. The new version was named "New Nine Grade Sesame Officials" and was released in China on March 16. Although the film has some original members (such as Shiliu Sister Yuan Qiongdan and Huang Yishan) and retains the framework of the classic story, it is difficult to reach the height of the original in terms of plot and actor performance. After the release of "New Nine Grade Sesame Officials", we met
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