
    Xiaomi SU7 has more than 100000 people coming to the store by appointment. Wang Hua: the top seller has never seen this battle

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Scattered Star Sand

    Xiaomi's first car, SU7, will be released on March 28. According to the official statistics, the number of people who made reservations to the store has increased by more than 100000 within one day after the official announcement. This number is undoubtedly a big test for Xiaomi's stores.

    According to Wang Hua, the general manager of the public relations department of Xiaomi Group, on his microblog, the first batch of stores of Xiaomi SU7 only had 59 stores in 29 cities, and the average number of people who needed to be received in each store reached 1695. He said: "I really sweated for the students in the store, which is a big test for them."

    It is worth mentioning that Lei Jun, the founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Technology, once said on his microblog, "I firmly remember the three-year appointment of 'going public in the first half of 2024' from March 30, 2021 when the official announcement was made. On March 28, it was time for Xiaomi to officially attend the appointment." He said that under the current fierce market competition environment, Xiaomi Have a letter Heart opens the market, and has been fully prepared.

    In addition, Lei Jun mentioned some other things before the press conference. The first is about the opening of delivery centers, sales outlets and service outlets in the first batch of 29 cities, and determined the site selection of the second batch of cities; Secondly, improve the factory capacity as soon as possible to ensure early delivery after release; Finally, we will prepare for the launch of Xiaomi SU7.

    It is understood that Xiaomi SU7 is a new smart electric vehicle product, and it is unknown what kind of surprise this release will bring to consumers. But it can be predicted that the launch of this model will further promote the business development of Xiaomi in the field of intelligent transportation, and bring more opportunities and challenges to the company.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Xiaomi SU7 has more than 100000 people coming to the store by appointment. Wang Hua: the top seller has never seen this battle true report nine hundred and ninety-six Xiaomi's first car, SU7, will be released on March 28. According to the official statistics, the number of people who made reservations to the store has increased by more than 100000 within one day after the official announcement. This number is undoubtedly a big test for Xiaomi's stores. According to Wang Hua, the general manager of the public relations department of Xiaomi Group, on Weibo, the first batch of stores of Xiaomi SU7 only has 59 stores in 29 cities, and on average, each store needs to receive reservations
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