
    IPhone 16 Pro Max design exposure: vertical double camera+periscope telephoto

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Latte without ice

     IPhone 16 Pro Max design exposure: vertical double camera+periscope telephoto

    Recently, user Majin Bu shared a suspected iPhone 16 and attracted the attention of foreign media. According to this design drawing, we can see that the iPhone 16 is expected to change the original matrix module to a vertical dual camera design.

    Such a design may facilitate the recording of space video. In the context of the continuous improvement of camera technology, the photographing ability of the iPhone 16 will also be further optimized. The design of vertical double photography not only improves the beauty of photography, but also makes mobile phone More stability when shooting video.

    In addition, the design drawing also reveals the new photo button. According to relevant information, this button is still of mechanical structure, and has touch input and pressure change detection functions, so as to realize zoom in or zoom out of focus, focusing and photographing operations.

    Information about the iPhone 16 Pro Max model has also been disclosed. It confirms that 48MP is adopted Sony IMX903 customized main camera, 1/1.14 "super bottom, and support double layers transistor Technology. At the same time, the new iPhone 16 Pro series is considering using 1MG+7P molding to build glass plastic modules to enhance its optical performance.

    It is worth mentioning that the oversized iPhone 16 Pro Max is equipped with super large bottom and periscope telephoto technology, so the screen size becomes larger and the radian is obvious. Therefore, in terms of image, the iPhone 16 Pro series will usher in a major upgrade.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: IPhone 16 Pro Max design exposure: vertical double camera+periscope telephoto true report one thousand one hundred and thirteen Recently, user Majin Bu shared a design drawing of the suspected iPhone 16 on the social platform and attracted the attention of foreign media. According to this design drawing, we can see that the iPhone 16 is expected to change the original matrix module to a vertical dual camera design. This design may facilitate the recording of space video. In the context of the continuous improvement of camera technology, the photography ability of the iPhone 16 is also
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