
    The world's first nuclear battery BV100 is 50 years smaller than a coin

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Summer of Mint Candy

     The world's first nuclear battery BV100 is 50 years smaller than a coin

    Beijing Beta Volt New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. recently announced that it has successfully developed the world's first nuclear battery BV100 to be mass produced, which is only 15 × 15 × 5 cubic millimeters in size, smaller than a coin. The battery adopts the fusion of nickel 63 nuclear isotope decay technology and China's first diamond semiconductor (the fourth generation semiconductor) module, and has realized the miniaturization, modularization and low cost of atomic energy batteries, starting the process of civilian use.

    It is reported that the battery has a power of 100 microwatts and a voltage of 3V, and can generate 8.64 joules of electricity every day. Multiple such batteries can be used in series and parallel to meet the power supply demand of aerospace, artificial intelligence equipment, medical devices, MEMS systems, advanced sensors, small unmanned aerial vehicles, micro robots and other long endurance multi scenarios. This new energy innovation will help China gain a leading edge in the new round of AI technology revolution.

    More importantly, atomic energy battery is a physical battery, not an electrochemical battery. They have a higher energy density and can store 3300 megawatt hours in a 1g battery. In addition, atomic energy batteries have many advantages: no fire or explosion for acupuncture and gunshot; There is no concept of cycle times, because 50 years of self generation; The power generation is stable and not affected by harsh environment and load changes; It can work normally at 120 degrees above zero and - 60 degrees below zero without self discharge; The atomic energy battery developed by Beitavut is absolutely safe, without external radiation, and suitable for medical devices such as cardiac pacemakers, artificial hearts and cochlea in the human body.

    The BV100 atomic energy battery developed by Beijing Beitavote New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. has entered the pilot test stage. This achievement marks that the company has made a major breakthrough in the field of new energy and laid the foundation for China to take a leading position in the new round of AI technology revolution.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: The world's first nuclear battery BV100 is 50 years smaller than a coin true report one thousand one hundred and nine Beijing Beta Volt New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. recently announced that it has successfully developed the world's first nuclear battery BV100 to be mass produced, which is only 15 × 15 × 5 cubic millimeters in size, smaller than a coin. The battery adopts the fusion of nickel 63 nuclear isotope decay technology and China's first diamond semiconductor (the fourth generation semiconductor) module, and has realized the miniaturization, modularization and low cost of atomic energy batteries, which has opened the door for the people
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