
    Apologize for the King's Glory The problem of misjudgment and disorderly appearance has been fixed

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: August 8

    Recently playing《 Glory of Kings 》Have your friends, especially those who like to use Eileen, the hero, ever encountered the problem of misjudging "acting out in disorder". In response to this problem, "Glory of the King" officially issued a statement of apology, saying that the problem of misjudging "disorderly costume" has been repaired, and apologized to the players who encountered this problem.

     Apologize for the King's Glory The problem of misjudgment and disorderly appearance has been fixed

    The reason for this problem is that the new version of Glory of the King has adjusted the hero Irene so that she can perform both magic and physical attacks. In other words, players can produce both magic equipment and physical equipment. However, the judgment mechanism has not been specifically adjusted, which leads to the system's misjudgment when players load according to the adjusted play method.

    In addition, the 2024 version of Glory of the King will also be updated, and is expected to be launched in January 2024. These two days, the season skin has also been officially announced to pray for the lights for the sky of Guiguzi.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Apologize for the King's Glory The problem of misjudgment and disorderly appearance has been fixed true report six hundred and sixteen Have the friends who are playing Glory of the King recently, especially those who like to use the hero Irene, encountered the problem of misjudging "acting out". In response to this problem, "Glory of the King" officially issued a statement of apology, saying that the problem of misjudging "disorderly costume" has been repaired, and apologized to the players who encountered this problem. The reason for this problem is that the new version of "Glory of the King"
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