
    Huawei's tablet shipment volume ranks first! Growth rate up to 90%

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: August 8

    Everyone's attention to the tablet market is significantly lower than that of the mobile phone market, but this time the tablet market is attractive enough because Huawei has made great achievements in the tablet market. According to the latest data released by Canalys, in the third quarter of 2023, Huawei's shipments in the tablet market in mainland China will rank first among Chinese brands.

     Huawei's tablet shipment volume ranks first! Growth rate up to 90%

    In terms of specific data, in the third quarter of 2023, Apple and Huawei will take the initiative in the mainland tablet market. Among them, Apple's market share declined from 38% to 31%; Huawei saw growth, rising from 15% to 24%, with a growth rate of 90%, the highest among all brands.

    In addition to the growth of Huawei's tablet, the market share of Xiaomi's tablet has also increased from 7% to 11%, with a growth rate of 71%. Among the top five brands, only Huawei and Xiaomi achieved growth, while other brands declined.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Huawei's tablet shipment volume ranks first! Growth rate up to 90% true report six hundred and seventeen Everyone's attention to the tablet market is significantly lower than that of the mobile phone market, but this time the tablet market is attractive enough because Huawei has made great achievements in the tablet market. According to the latest data released by Canalys, in the third quarter of 2023, Huawei's shipments in the tablet market in mainland China will rank first among Chinese brands. In terms of specific data, in the third quarter of 2023, Apple and Huawei
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