
    Haidilao responds that the monthly salary of dancing attendants exceeds 12000 yuan: strong ability and incentive

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: No. 13 Hutong

    Recently, the event that Haidilao waiter jumped "Subject 3" has attracted wide attention. It is rumored that these dancing waiters earn more than 12000 yuan a month in Haidilao.

    In this regard, Haidilao said that all positions in its stores are subject to piecework compensation system, that is, more work, more pay. At the same time, Haidilao will also hold a star selection activity for the positions of face dresser, noodle fisher and so on from time to time to improve the business ability of employees in each position.

    It is worth noting that the company will also take corresponding incentive measures for employees who are recognized by customers in Haidilao. The existence of this system enables Haidilao to maintain its advantages in the fierce market competition and attract more talents to join in.

    Haidilao also revealed relevant details: it is not easy for employees to reach this level. First of all, they need to have good professional quality and professionalism; Secondly, they also need to have a strong sense of responsibility and professional skills; Finally, it needs to be recognized and supported by customers.

    When the reporter from Nandu Bay Finance Agency asked whether Haidilao would introduce more new technologies to enhance its competitiveness, Haidilao said that it would constantly introduce new equipment and technologies to improve its service level and always maintain its innovative spirit.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Haidilao responds that the monthly salary of dancing attendants exceeds 12000 yuan: strong ability and incentive true report seven hundred and forty-seven Recently, the event that Haidilao waiter jumped "Subject 3" has attracted wide attention. It is rumored that these dancing waiters earn more than 12000 yuan a month in Haidilao. In this regard, Haidilao said that all positions in its stores are subject to piecework compensation system, that is, more work, more pay. At the same time, Haidilao will also hold irregular selection activities for post stars such as face dressers and noodle fishers to improve employees
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