
    Mini LED TV is coming! Xiaomi TV S Pro 85 "New Product Launch

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: One penny moon

    Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, announced at today's 19 o'clock new product launch that Xiaomi TV S Pro 85 inch will be unveiled soon. This TV adopts Mini LED screen technology, which is one of the latest TV screen technologies. The principle of Mini LED technology is to filter light through liquid crystal molecules, and convert traditional area light source to point light source, so that each LED lamp bead is close to a pixel size, thus achieving ultra-high contrast.

    Compared with the traditional LCD panel, Mini LED has a more refined light control effect, which can bring more bright light dark contrast and better picture details. In addition, Mini LED TV can also present more real colors and better visual effects.

    In addition to the above features, Xiaomi TV S Pro 85 "is also equipped with advanced image processing technology and powerful hardware configuration, so that users can enjoy a smoother and clearer viewing experience. According to Lei Jun, the new functions and features of other Xiaomi TV S Pro 85 "will also be displayed at the press conference.

    This new product launch of Xiaomi TV S Pro 85 "will be the first TV product launch event in China that uses Mini LED screen. We are looking forward to the debut of this TV, and hope that it can bring better viewing experience to users.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Mini LED TV is coming! Xiaomi TV S Pro 85 "New Product Launch true report one thousand and sixty-one Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi, announced at today's 19 o'clock new product launch that Xiaomi TV S Pro 85 inch will be unveiled soon. This TV adopts Mini LED screen technology, which is one of the latest TV screen technologies. The principle of Mini LED technology is to filter light through liquid crystal molecules, and convert the traditional area light source into a point light source, so that each LED lamp bead is close to a pixel size, thus realizing
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