
    Huawei's 5.5G carrier aggregation technology has achieved full success! It's arranged

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Breeze and Deer

    Under the organization of IMT-2020 (5G) promotion group, Huawei took the lead in completing all functional tests of 5G-A on September 11. Recently, Huawei completed the 5G-A technical performance test. The test results show that Huawei has made major performance breakthroughs in a number of 5G-A uplink and downlink ultra wideband technologies, and has applied end-to-end cross layer collaboration technology to 5G-A broadband real-time interaction for the first time, achieving key progress in capacity and delay.

    It is understood that 5G-A is also known as "5.5G", the full name is "5G Advanced". Compared with the common 5G technology, 5.5G has the characteristics of faster speed, more frequency bands, more automation and intelligence. The 5 The 5G era includes 5 5 G, F 5.5 G, N et 5.5 G and other end-to-end solutions that have been comprehensively evolved and upgraded, have brought about the ability to improve network performance by about 10 times, and can achieve the peak capacity of 10 gigabit downlink and 10 gigabit uplink. In addition, new revolutionary technologies such as synaesthesia, passive IoT and endogenous intelligence have been introduced.

    It is worth mentioning that at the MWC Shanghai Expo in 2023, Yang Chaobin, Huawei's director and president of ICT products and solutions, announced that Huawei plans to launch a full set of 5.5G commercial network equipment in 2024. This shows that Huawei is actively preparing for the future and is committed to promoting the development and application of new generation communication technologies.

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Huawei's 5.5G carrier aggregation technology has achieved full success! It's arranged true report one thousand one hundred and thirty-three Under the organization of IMT-2020 (5G) promotion group, Huawei took the lead in completing all functional tests of 5G-A on September 11. Recently, Huawei completed the 5G-A technical performance test. The test results show that Huawei has made major performance breakthroughs in a number of 5G-A uplink and downlink ultra wideband technologies, and has applied end-to-end cross layer collaboration technology to 5G-A broadband real-time interaction for the first time. It has achieved significant performance breakthroughs in terms of capacity and delay
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