
    Faraday's future official announcement: FF 91 Phase I delivery starts on May 31

    [Original by Zhongguancun Online] Author: Yao Liwei

    Faraday Future Official WeChat officially announced at noon today that the first phase of the company's three-stage delivery plan will start on May 31, US time. In the first stage, the first batch of industry experts FPO (Futurist Product Officer) will pay the full cost of FF 91 vehicles and receive vehicle use training in order to reserve vehicles.

     Faraday's future official announcement: FF 91 Phase I delivery starts on May 31

    These industry experts will have their subscribed FF 91 at the second stage. FF said that the company is conducting qualification review for industry experts, and will invite qualified people to buy cars on a first come, first served basis and participate in a series of co creation activities. In addition, FF 91 electric vehicles have passed the crash test requirements of the United States Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. The design, including its unique side crash crash zone, can effectively protect the driver and the vehicle battery. The FF 91 mass production vehicle combines craftsmanship and innovative, highly automated assembly technology, making its process quality comparable to the world's leading luxury car manufacturer. Jia Yueting also said many times that he hopes to build FF into a "Ferrari+Maybach" in the era of smart cars.

     Faraday's future official announcement: FF 91 Phase I delivery starts on May 31

    This article is an original article. If it is reproduced, please indicate the source: Faraday's future official announcement: FF 91 Phase I delivery starts on May 31 true report seven hundred and ninety-three Faraday Future Official WeChat officially announced at noon today that the first phase of the company's three-stage delivery plan will start on May 31, US time. In the first stage, the first batch of industry experts FPO (Futurist Product Officer) will pay the full cost of FF 91 vehicles and receive vehicle use training in order to reserve vehicles. Letv Y1Pro+eight core smartphone self run 128GB slim games
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