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Guarantee the safety of online shopping Guide to online fraud prevention in Zhongguancun

CBSi China ZOL Author: Zhongguancun Online Lu Xiaofeng [Original] 16:52, September 8, 2010 comment

Whether online or offline, consumers and digital product The mutual trust relationship between dealers is the most basic condition for the transaction. However, in recent years, individual businesses have cheated by taking advantage of this trust relationship and consumers' ignorance of products, causing consumers to suffer losses.

How can we buy digital products with confidence? Don't worry, Zhongguancun Online Uncover all kinds of seller traps for you. As long as you pay attention to the following scams, you can also buy with confidence.

1、 Quote low prices to attract consumers to call

Purpose: to attract consumers to call and report another one that can be shipped Price , or recommend consumers to buy other products.

If the price quoted by a vendor for the same product is lower than that quoted by other vendors, or even much lower than the reference price quoted by Zhongguancun Online, please be careful. In this case, Zhongguancun Online recommends that consumers call the seller first to confirm whether this configuration can be shipped at this price. If the seller can ship, then trade. If the seller cannot ship, You can directly call Zhongguancun Online 400 to complain.

 Guarantee the security of online shopping ZOL Online Friends' Guide to Purchasing Fraud Prevention
Zhongguancun online dealer information list

2、 Recommend consumers to buy products beyond the plan

Purpose: Recommend products that consumers are not familiar with the price, so as to increase the price secretly.

For example, when consumers check the quotation and parameter configuration of a certain product before purchasing, and find the seller to consult for purchase, when the seller sees that the product is too unprofitable, he will find various reasons, such as out of stock, poor product quality, and even ask the company's so-called technical personnel to cooperate in front of consumers to "act" and deliberately let the product go wrong during the test run, Therefore, consumers can be recommended to buy other models. However, because the consumers of other models did not know in advance, the sellers secretly increased the price of other models, ranging from hundreds to thousands of yuan, causing losses to consumers.

In this case, Zhongguancun Online suggests that consumers should fully understand the models they buy before buying, and stand firm in front of the sellers. If you really need to change another model, but cannot access the Internet, please use mobile phone Log in to, or use the store price inquiry system, or call a friend to confirm the price configuration of the replacement model before making a decision. It is recommended not to ask the surrounding merchants to prevent them from colluding to raise the quotation.

3、 Be alert to sellers who pay before shipping

Purpose: to defraud money and gain initiative

For example, if the seller does not support the third-party payment method and strongly requires payment in advance or part of the deposit before delivery, it is suspected of fraud.

In this case, Zhongguancun Online suggests that consumers should try to pick up local transactions and choose sellers with third-party payment methods (Alipay, Tenpay, etc.) for off-site transactions

 Guarantee the security of online shopping ZOL Online Friends' Guide to Purchasing Fraud Prevention
Zhongguancun online dealer product purchase page

4、 The physical object received does not match the online description

Purpose: not worthy of the name, making huge profits

For example, some sellers, in order to earn more profits, are willing to give consumers a "swap plan", and the physical products they send out are quite different from the description of the online store, for example, they change their merchandise into a version changing machine or a refurbishing machine, disassemble the original parts of the machine into other parts, and the promised parts have not been honored.

In this case, Zhongguancun Online suggests that consumers must retain evidence, and use it as soon as they find any discrepancy camera Record it, and then copy the chat record with the seller, especially the written evidence of the seller's commitment, for the use of Zhongguancun Online for investigation and evidence collection in case of complaints.

The above is the survey results of Zhongguancun Online through the complaint database data, which lists the most common and most likely fraud and coping strategies. Of course, our website hopes to prevent this kind of thing from happening on Zhongguancun Online through transparent and overwhelming anti fraud propaganda, and not give any opportunity to the fraudsters. Now let's introduce some precautions for online shopping:

1. First, after determining the model of the product to be purchased, you must first go to Zhongguancun Online to inquire about the configuration and quotation of this product, and the quotation must be subject to the online reference quotation of Zhongguancun, so that you can have a general price standard in mind.

2. The second step is to search for merchants on the quotation page. It should be noted that there are also tips for selecting merchants:

1) First, you must find a paying merchant with the logo of Zhongguancun online recommended dealer Guarantee the security of online shopping ZOL Online Friends' Guide to Purchasing Fraud Prevention

2) Check the reputation rating of the merchants. Customers with high reputation rating are usually merchants who have cooperated with Zhongguancun Online for a long time and have no complaints;

3) The third point is to choose according to the service guarantee of customer support. If you are not fooled, try to choose support Guarantee the security of online shopping ZOL Online Friends' Guide to Purchasing Fraud Prevention Merchants who sell authentic goods will be punished if they fail to comply with these service guarantee marks, which have been certified by Zhongguancun Online;

4) The fourth point is to select merchants according to the reference price of Zhongguancun online website. If the price is not much different from the reference price of the website, it can be considered. Try not to choose the lowest price merchants for the sake of small gains. It is likely that they will not be able to ship or even take the opportunity to transform other products;

5) The fifth point is to enter the online stores of merchants to see whether there is qualification certification Guarantee the security of online shopping ZOL Online Friends' Guide to Purchasing Fraud Prevention The more complete the authentication, the higher the credibility of the merchant;

6) Point 6: Check the payment method in the online store Guarantee the security of online shopping ZOL Online Friends' Guide to Purchasing Fraud Prevention If the third party payment is supported, the remote transaction can eliminate the worries;

 Guarantee the security of online shopping ZOL Online Friends' Guide to Purchasing Fraud Prevention
Dealership online store transaction record

7) The seventh point is to check the transaction records of the online store. If there are transaction records recently, it can also indicate that the credibility of the business is relatively high.

3. After selecting the merchants, enter the consultation stage. Before making a purchase, you must confirm with the merchant by phone or by online contact method. The purchase operation is carried out after the main factors such as price, inventory, product configuration, delivery and payment method are communicated. In order to retain evidence, Zhongguancun Online recommends that consumers try to communicate with the merchant by online contact method.

4. The last step is to enter the purchase stage. Zhongguancun Online recommends that consumers try to purchase by placing orders online, and copy and save the placed orders. If the payment method is in the same city, the payment can be made after on-site inspection. If the payment method is not in the same city, the third-party payment method must be selected. The payment can be made after the goods are received and accepted.

Zhongguancun Online will certainly strive to create a safe, secure and harmonious shopping environment for all consumers, so that consumers can shop with confidence on the Zhongguancun online dealer platform without worries! If you find any suspicious business or even get cheated, please call Zhongguancun Online Complaint Hotline 400-678-0068 as soon as possible to make a complaint, and we will fully assist you in solving the problem.

    See 315 Consumer Electronics Complaint Network for more fraud prevention cases

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