From September 25, Bengbu launched the activity of "benefiting the people's food basket" - rebroadcast network

Bengbu launched the activity of "benefiting people's food basket" from September 25

2023-09-09 15:20:38 Source: Baidu News

Anhui News The reporter learned from Bengbu Municipal Development and Reform Commission that in order to ensure the supply of important commodities for people's livelihood during the festival and actively play the role of "benefiting people's food basket" stores in stabilizing prices and benefiting people, the local government decided to start the operation of "benefiting people's food basket" from September 25 to October 6.

(Related data drawing)

During the activity period, the "Huimin Vegetable Basket" stores sold at least 20 vegetable varieties, and the price was more than 30% lower than the average retail price of similar markets; At least one variety of each of the five major categories of non-staple food of grain, oil, meat, poultry and eggs is sold, and the price is more than 5% lower than the average retail price of similar markets; It is encouraged to add at least one variety of 1 yuan dishes or 2 yuan dishes.

List of "Huimin Vegetable Basket" Stores

Huayun Central Store Hejiafu Central Store

Huayun Tongcheng Zidu Hejia Fuyuhui Store

Huayun Juyun Hejiafu Yan'an Road Store

Huayun Xiying Store Hejiafu Shifu Square Store

Huayun Yintai Hejiafu Jin'ao Huafu Store

Huayun Tangjia Garden Store Hejiafu Zhanggongshan Store

Huayun Longhu Spring Store Hejia Fuwanfang Store

Huayun Shopping Mall Hejia Fuhuahai Shopping Mall

Huayun International Huadu Store Hejiafu Wanda Store

Huayun Caida Hejia Fubaolong Store

Huayun Cultural Plaza Hejiafu Hongye Store

Huayun No.3 Middle School Hejiafu Pearl Store

Li Yong, a journalist from Anhui Province

Editor Zhang Dawei

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