Why did the mistress of "Useless Lies" break up with her ex boyfriend? Who Did the Male Killer of "Useless Lies" - Replay Network

Why did the mistress of "Useless Lies" break up with her ex boyfriend? Who Did the Man Kill in the Useless Lies

2023-09-09 14:31:01 Source: Internet
Original title: "Useless Lies" Why did the female owner and her ex boyfriend break up? Who Did the Man Kill in the Useless Lies

In "Useless Lies", the female leader is happy after suffering. The male leader will review the things she doesn't like to eat again and again. The female leader also firmly chooses the male leader after breaking the knot with her ex boyfriend. So why did the mistress break up with her ex boyfriend? Who did the man kill? Here is a brief introduction.

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The Useless Lies: Why Did the Female Owner Break up with Her Ex boyfriend

The heroine Xiaoting and her ex boyfriend Li Kangmin have a tortuous and profound relationship, but they split up because of a useless lie. Li Kangmin is a policeman, and they love each other very much. However, for some time, Li Kangmin has always disappeared mysteriously, which makes Xiaoting feel puzzled.

On the day Xiaoting found Li Kangmin lying, her heart was cut open. She did not know that Li Kangmin's motive for lying during that period was to protect her well. It turned out that Li Kangmin had stomach cancer. He didn't want Xiao Ting to know about his illness and was afraid that she would be sad and sad for her own worries. Therefore, he chose to hide his illness with an unimportant excuse and tried to protect her with lies.

However, his lies brought endless disappointment and pain to Xiaoting. In her eyes, the disappearance of her ex boyfriend and his lies became his betrayal of his feelings, and she completely lost her trust in him. When Xiaoting lifted the veil of lies and discovered Li Kangmin's illness, she realized that all this was not out of hurt, but out of deep affection for her.

At this time, Xiaoting was trapped in a huge inner struggle. She doesn't know whether she can still forgive Li Kangmin for the harm he has caused her, and whether she can re-establish her trust in him. She knew that breaking up with Li Kangmin had become an insurmountable obstacle, which made her miserable.

However, after communicating with her friends and thinking carefully, Xiaoting finally decided to face Li Kangmin. She realized Li Kangmin's painstaking and deep feelings behind him. Although she could not cure his stomach cancer, she could bring him some warmth and comfort with her love and company. So, on a cold evening, Xiaoting knocked on Li Kangmin's door.

When Li Kangmin saw Xiao Ting appear in front of him, he was lost in thought. He clearly knew that his lie to Xiaoting would be an unchangeable fact, but he still looked forward to their future relationship. This time, he no longer uses lies to cover up his true feelings. He hopes to regain Xiaoting's trust and forgiveness.

Who did the man kill

Some lies are useless in this world. They will only lose people's hearts and bind people in the deep sea of lies. The hero Jin Daohe is the one who is tightly bound by such lies.

At first, the man did not kill anyone, and his ex girlfriend was not his killer. However, unfortunately, this lie has been deeply rooted and has been framed and misunderstood. Although Jin Daohe had nothing to do with the death of his ex girlfriend, he bore a heavy sense of guilt. He was shrouded in the shadow of lies, and his soul suffered endless suffering.

Gradually, the innocent hero was like a fallen leaf in the vortex, powerless to be involved in the endless abyss. He began to explore the truth and tried to uncover the lies. In the eleventh episode, the bones of his ex girlfriend Yan Zhi are finally found. This amazing discovery means that the truth will soon emerge and her killer will soon be found out.

With the gradual disclosure of the truth, the hero's heart is gradually relieved. The shadow of the past finally dissipates under the baptism of time. His innocence was washed, and he was finally able to get rid of the shackles of suspicion. The heavy psychological burden was like a huge stone removed from his heart, and Jin Daohe was immersed in the joy of relief. He became stronger and braver. This experience gave him a new understanding of life. He understood the pain and harm caused by useless lies, as well as the power of truth and the importance of liberation. However, the end of the story is not just that the hero gets rid of suspicion and gets innocent. More importantly, he learned a lot about the true meaning of life and human nature. He deeply felt the poison of lies and understood the value of trust and truth. This experience made him more determined and brave in the face of setbacks and temptations in life.
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[Editor in charge: h001]

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