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President Xi Jinping Comes to Our Army -- Stories of the Military Commander Concerned about Grass roots Construction and Grass roots Officers and Soldiers

Time of publication: 2022-07-31 05:29:00 Source: People's Daily

At Wenchang Space Launch Site in Hainan, a modern launch tower stands towering against the backdrop of coconut trees.

In April 2022, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited Wenchang Space Launch Site, met with officers and soldiers at the launch site, and took a group photo with them.

"To promote the cause of building a strong military, there is much to be done at the grass-roots level." Looking back on President Xi's footsteps since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the military commander has paid special attention to the construction of the grass-roots level, and his care for the officers and soldiers at the grass-roots level is full of deep feelings——

The commander's eyes focused on the military arena, from the desert with yellow sand, the forest sea and snow fields with cold wind, to the front line of safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests;

The footprint of the commander is engraved on the border post, the warship deck, and the battlehawk cockpit. When he enters the battle position, he comes to the officers and soldiers to observe the situation of the soldiers, understand their hearts, care about their affairs, and resolve their worries;

In the words of the commander in chief, he repeatedly mentioned that "the grass-roots level is the basis of all the work and combat effectiveness of the army", "the foundation of the Party is at the grass-roots level, and the foundation of the army is also at the grass-roots level", thinking deeply about the grass-roots level.

All the people have the same desire and all the soldiers have the same heart.

Since assuming the position of Chairman of the Military Commission, President Xi has attached great importance to the grass-roots units and front-line officers and soldiers. In the past ten years, President Xi Jinping has made dozens of in-depth inspections and investigations in the grass-roots units, and earnestly urged them to stay in the camp and earnestly taught them.

Loyally maintain the core and strive to strengthen the army. The vast number of officers and men adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Building a Strong Military, implement the military strategic policy for a new era, adhere to the CPC's absolute leadership over the people's military, adhere to the road of building a strong military with Chinese characteristics, and comprehensively promote political building, reform, science and technology, talent, and law based governance of the military, Build the people's army into a world-class army, and safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests with stronger capabilities and more reliable means.

   Promote the goal of building a strong military to take root at the grass-roots level

   "Strengthening the grass-roots construction of our military in the new era is the foundation and strength of building a strong military"

The grass-roots level is the basis of all the work and combat effectiveness of the army.

At a meeting of the Central Military Commission, President Xi said excitedly: "As the chairman of the CMC, I should devote more time and energy to go to the army as much as possible, to see the officers and men, especially the grass-roots officers and men, and to conduct in-depth research on major issues that are directional, overall and fundamental to the development of the military."

In December 2012, President Xi left Beijing for the first time after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to visit Guangdong.

As you may recall, in a short trip of several days, one and a half days were spent visiting the army, and two thirds of them went to the grass-roots level. President Xi had two lunches in the army, both buffet meals with soldiers in the soldiers' canteen.

During that expedition, President Xi Jinping greeted and talked most with soldiers, shook hands most with soldiers, and cared most about soldiers. The arrival of President Xi excited the officers and soldiers.

"President Xi inspected equipment and facilities, watched live fire drills, and also had a friendly conversation and lunch with grass root officers and soldiers. President Xi praised our high level of equipment informatization, and I was particularly excited and proud." When referring to the scene at that time, Wang Rui, a "model of the times" and a brigade sergeant, always remembered it.

Also during that inspection, President Xi clearly stated that "realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation since modern times. It can be said that this dream is the dream of a strong country, and for the military, it is also the dream of a strong military."

In the past decade, the dream of a strong country and the dream of a strong military complement each other and are closely linked.

"Only by integrating the dream of building a strong country and a strong military into the position, doing every job to the utmost and doing every task brilliantly, can we realize the value of life on the stage of building a strong military." Looking back on the changes of the military in the past decade, Wang Rui sighed with emotion.

Shortly after the closing of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, President Xi came to Huaihai, a land of vast fertile fields, to see the officers and soldiers of the company where Comrade Wang Jie lived.

"Come on, let's sit down and talk!"

During the "Wang Jieban" forum, President Xi gently asked the soldiers to sit around and ask them about their study, training and life in detail. The faces of officers and soldiers are filled with happy smiles.

President Xi encouraged everyone to make persistent efforts and take the lead to be a good soldier like Wang Jie in the new era.

"Whenever we think of President Xi's affectionate encouragement, our blood always boils." Huang Long, the 32nd squad leader of "Wang Jieban", said, "We must uphold the spirit of not fearing hardship and death, carry the gun of the old squad leader Wang Jie, and be a good soldier to reassure the party and the people!"

A handsome man who wants to win should love his soldiers first.

The border defense forces are fighting in the front line of strengthening border defense, with arduous tasks and great responsibilities. President Xi is very concerned about border guards. At the meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, President Xi specifically mentioned the affectionate confession of the heroes defending the country and defending the border, "clear love, only for China"; In a border defense camp in the southwest, President Xi walked into the soldiers' dormitory to have a cordial exchange with everyone and asked them about their work and life in detail; In his reply to all the officers and soldiers of the "Model Camp for Border Defense on the Plateau", President Xi praised them for "everyone is good!"

Those who love soldiers always love them; Those who are close to the soldiers will always be close to them.

Sanjiaoshan outpost in northern Xinjiang.

The officers and soldiers stationed here will never forget that on the eve of the Spring Festival in 2014, President Xi braved the freezing cold of more than - 30 degrees Celsius to board the post.

After solemnly signing his name on the observation register, the commander said to the sentry on duty: "Today, I will be on duty with you."

"President Xi took off his gloves and shook hands with us one by one." Although the weather was cold, the hearts of officers and soldiers were warm and fiery.

In the past ten years, the hearts of the commander and the soldiers have been closely linked, whether it is cold or hot, or the mountains are high and the waters are far away.

In 2013, in the deep winter of the Gobi Desert, President Xi braved the cold to visit some equipment of a test and training base of the Air Force, and cordially met with the base officers and technicians;

In 2014, in the midsummer of Bamin, President Xi came to Fujian Reserve Anti aircraft Division under the scorching heat to encourage everyone to make persistent efforts and strive for greater achievements;

In 2016, in the remote Heixiazi Island, President Xi came to the outpost at the easternmost end of the motherland, boarded the 30 meter high outpost, inspected the duty facilities, and asked about the duty situation;

In 2019, in Sanya, on the coast of the South China Sea, President Xi attended the handover ceremony of the Shandong Naval Ship, and then went to the cab to have a cordial exchange with officers and soldiers, and signed on the navigation log;


"President Xi Jinping is with us!" The officers and men of the whole army feel the commander's love for the army from every detail, are inspired and inspired, and gather the great power of listening to the Party's command and striving to build a strong army.

"Strengthening the grass-roots construction of our military in the new era is the foundation and strength of building a strong military." President Xi took the lead in setting an example, leading the thought of strengthening the foundation and consolidating the foundation at all levels, establishing a clear direction of focusing on the grass-roots level, and promoting the goal of building a strong military at the grass-roots level.

   Pass down the flame of ideal and belief and the gene of red tradition from generation to generation

   "On the long revolutionary road, our army officers and men said the most:" As long as we follow the Party, we will win. "

Since the founding of the army 95 years ago, tens of thousands of revolutionary soldiers have been determined to listen to the Party's words and follow the Party. They have risen up in setbacks and marched forward bravely in hardship, creating an iron and steel hero who can not be dragged down, defeated, defeated or defeated.

The "Red Company" was born in the Autumn Harvest Uprising. Zheng Jiwen, the political instructor of the company, said, "I am often asked what is the most valuable in the 'Red Company'. It must be the red gene that we listen to the Party's command."

At the end of 2013, when President Xi inspected the former Jinan Military Region, he spoke about the history of the "Red First Company": "In September 1927, when the" Three Bay Reorganization "was launched, Comrade Mao Zedong personally established a party branch in this company, and developed six new party members, creating a precedent for our army to build a" branch on the company ".

"The branch is built on the company", which ensures that the absolute leadership of the Party over the people's army takes root at the grass-roots level, and makes "following the Party with determination" become the political consciousness of officers and men.

In the honor room of a brigade of the 75th Group Army, half of the belt with the words "Long March" engraved on it was treasured.

During the Long March, the Eighth Company of the 274 Regiment of the Fourth Red Front Army crossed the grassland for the third time and fell into the dilemma of food starvation. Zhou Guangcai, a 14-year-old soldier, left half of his belt and took it "to meet Chairman Mao in Yan'an".

In January 2016, President Xi heard the story of "half a belt" when he inspected the original 13th Army Group, and said with deep feelings: "This is the power of faith, and is a vivid portrayal of the" iron heart following the party "."

"Venus shines on the military flag, and our principle is the Party's command gun..." The fundamental principle and system of the Party's absolute leadership over the military, which originated from the Nanchang Uprising, was based on the Sanwan reorganization, and was shaped at the Gutian Conference, is the political characteristic and fundamental advantage of the people's army that is completely different from all old armies.

In the autumn of 2014, President Xi had lunch in Gutian with 11 grass-roots representatives attending the military political work conference. Yu Hailong, who was the political instructor of Huang Jiguang's company, sat beside him.

Red rice, pumpkin soup... Yu Hailong will never forget that special "Red Army meal". "President Xi encouraged us to pass on the kindling of ideals and beliefs and the gene of the red tradition from generation to generation, so that the revolutionary cause can be passed on from generation to generation, and the blood line can continue forever, and the old Red Army can always be maintained."

The "red rice and pumpkin soup" of that day came from the depths of history and witnessed President Xi's emphasis on and inheritance of the fine traditions of the people's army.

"On the long road of revolution, our army officers and men said the most words: as long as we follow the Party, we will win," President Xi stressed.

The Party's absolute leadership over the army is the foundation of the people's army and the soul of building a strong army.

Over the past 95 years, the people's army has advanced under the banner of the Party, formed a set of principles for building and managing the army, developed strategies and tactics for the people's war, and cultivated a unique glorious tradition and fine style of work. President Xi pointed out profoundly: "This is the magic weapon of the people's army from victory to victory, and it is the red blood that the people's army must never forget."

In the 1970s, the officers and soldiers of the "three companies of great achievements" lit kerosene lamps in the tunnels to learn the Party's theory, and their advanced deeds were well-known throughout the country.

In January 2017, President Xi came to the "Three Company of Great Achievements" to visit the officers and soldiers and encourage them to "carry forward the fine tradition, keep close to the times, practice, officers and soldiers, and do a good job of arming their minds with the Party's innovative theory".

Carry forward the fine tradition, strengthen the theoretical arm, the company innovates the learning method of "curriculum based learning, popular lectures, regular help learning, personalized self-learning, and network assisted learning", guides the officers and soldiers to learn ideas, forge loyalty, assume mission, and promote the use of the Party's innovative theory in the new era to build a company to go deep and practical.

"The theoretical study of Sanlian is like an energy field, which exerts a subtle influence on us," said Hou Longfei, the monitor.

"A mighty army still needs to be mighty, and revolutionary soldiers still need to be bloody." President Xi attaches great importance to the cultivation of fighting spirit.

In a division of the Army in the Central Theater of Operations, President Xi stressed that "our army has always been vigorous and energetic. In the past, there was less steel and more air. Now there is more steel, more air and more bone."

During a discussion with officers and soldiers in a department stationed in Kunming, President Xi cited the poem of Wang Jianchuan, a 19-year-old martyr of the army, and praised his military blood "for the sake of the motherland, regardless of the blood of the flag".

At the Memorial Park of the Red Army's Long March in Xiangjiang, President Xi emphasized that "the noble spirit of the Red Army's officers and men, who are willing to face death, live towards death, indomitable, and dare to overcome all difficulties without being overwhelmed by any difficulties, is always worth remembering and carrying forward."

In the past ten years, the whole army has focused on the fighting spirit of the new era, comprehensively used ideological education, combat training, environmental influence, policy incentives and other means to forge the spirit of revolutionary soldiers in the new era. The most popular story in the military camp is the battle story, and the loudest song is the battle song of a strong army.

When we move forward, we should never forget the road we have taken; No matter how far and how bright the future is, we should not forget the past and why we started.

On the octagonal tower of Jinggangshan, in front of the cave in Yan'an, in the courtyard of Xibaipo... President Xi returned to the red landmark of the Chinese revolution again and again, and led the whole party and the whole army to review their original intentions again and again.

In 2021, at the important historical node of the centennial of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core made a major strategic decision to carry out the study and education of party history throughout the Party.

In the early spring of this year, President Xi wrote back to all the officers and men of the Tenth Squadron of the Fourth Detachment of the Shanghai Armed Police Corps on duty, saying that "you have carried forward the glorious tradition of 'Good Eighth Company on the Nanjing Road', adhered to learning the history of the Party and forging loyalty, and have volunteered to explain the history of the Party and spread the theory of the Party at the site of the First Congress of the Party for more than 20 consecutive years, and received good results", Encourage officers and soldiers to consolidate and expand the achievements of learning and education in the history of the Party, consciously carry forward the great spirit of Party building, be a good "sentry under the neon light" in the new era, and always be a loyal defender of the Party and the people.

"I will never forget that moment!" Yang Zenan, the political instructor of the squadron, said excitedly about the feeling of receiving President Xi's reply. "The history of the Party is the most vivid textbook. From the history of the Party and the history of the military, the officers and men of the army, all levels of the army, are tied together, thinking and working together."

Not long ago, the General Office of the Central Military Commission issued the Opinions on Promoting the Normalization and Long term Effect of the Military's Learning and Education of Party History, which requires "to work hard to continue the red blood, to be determined to build a strong military, to inherit the glorious tradition of our party and military, to strengthen the determination to fight and win, to maintain the fine style of fighting and hard work, and to practice the fundamental purpose of serving the people".

Through the study and education of the Party history, the whole army has received a comprehensive and profound political education, ideological refining and spiritual baptism, and its creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness have been greatly improved. With the flag of the Party as the banner, the direction of the Party as the direction, and the will of the Party as the will, the officers and men have always been absolutely loyal, pure, and reliable.

   Set up a clear guidance for military training

   "Be brave to overcome difficulties, be brave to surpass opponents, and forge an elite force that can fight and win at the moment of call"

Looking through the history of war, President Xi repeatedly mentioned the "pain of gouging out the heart" in China's modern history: "Once the military backwardness is formed, its impact on national security will be fatal. I often look at some historical materials in modern China, and the sight of the tragic scene of backwardness and being beaten will hurt my heart!"

History teaches us the dialectics of war and peace: only when we can fight can we stop the war, only when we are ready to fight can we not fight, and the more we cannot fight, the more likely we are to be beaten.

"The army is ready to fight, and all work must adhere to the standard of combat effectiveness and focus on being able to fight and win," President Xi pointed out profoundly in his report to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

For the first time, the Central Military Commission uniformly organized the mobilization of the whole army for training, and President Xi Jinping issued instructions to the whole army for the first time. The main venue was the training ground.

On January 3, 2018, President Xi, dressed in military uniform, issued a command to the whole army on the reviewing platform of a regiment of the Central Theater Army. "Be brave to overcome difficulties, be brave to surpass opponents, forge a strong force of elite soldiers who can fight and win at the moment of call, and resolutely fulfill the mission and task of the new era entrusted by the Party and the people."

So far, President Xi Jinping has issued mobilization orders for training to the whole army for five consecutive years, setting a clear direction for the whole army to focus on military training.

In April 2016, President Xi inspected the Joint Operations Command Center of the Military Commission as its commander in chief. This has sent a clear signal to the world: the new joint operation command system of the Chinese army has been put into operation.

Joint operations are an important form of war in the future. A new round of national defense and military reform has reshaped the command system of joint operations and re established the area of the Fifth World War. When inspecting the southern war zone, President Xi asked: "We should accelerate the construction of command capacity in the war zone, fulfill the command rights and responsibilities entrusted by the CMC, improve the command operation mechanism, and ensure smooth and efficient command."

Strategize and command with determination.

In the past few years, from "individual" to "system", from "shape union" to "spirit union", the barriers of "union" of all services and arms have been gradually broken, and the effectiveness of "war" has been constantly highlighted.

The front line is where President Xi often goes in the army.

During the inspection of the Second Mobile Corps of the Armed Police Force, President Xi inspected professional training in the operation and use of anti explosive equipment, chemical defense reconnaissance and decontamination, engineering machinery application, bridge erection, etc. Huang Yonggang, Chief Sergeant of the Second Class, said, "The attention of the commander in chief to training and preparing for war has inspired us to train hard and scientifically, and to improve our ability to carry out tasks."

During an inspection by a brigade of the 79th Army Group, President Xi boarded the airport tower to watch the army's operational drills. "On that day, President Xi asked carefully: how about the technical and tactical performance of the helicopter gunship? Is it easy to use in actual operation? Is there anything that needs to be improved?" Deputy Brigadier General Yin Xiangming said, "We need to respond to the concerns of the President with the improvement of combat effectiveness, so that the aircraft can give full play to its combat effectiveness."

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and military revolution is changing with each passing day. Talents are the key factor to win military competition and initiative in future wars.

In July 2020, President Xi came to the training ground of Air Force Aviation University. Balance exercises, rollers, winding stairs... students train hard to become blue sky eagles.

Since its establishment more than 70 years ago, the People's Air Force has developed from "horse drawn aircraft" and "alcohol instead of gasoline" to a high-tech service.

At the Air Force Aviation University, President Xi earnestly stressed that "it is important to follow the development trend of the world's new military revolution, strengthen the presetting of emerging fields, strengthen the construction of frontier disciplines, strengthen the training of new talents, and promote the accelerated incubation and generation of new quality combat effectiveness."

"President Xi pointed out the way forward for us to closely follow the needs of the situation and tasks and comprehensively improve the level of running schools and educating people." Zhang Chunsheng, director of the Political Work Department of the Air Force Aviation University, said that the school has transformed the strategy of building a strong military with talents into development planning and practical measures, which are implemented in all fields and the whole process of running schools.

It is important to promote the development of new quality combat effectiveness and accelerate the modernization of weapons and equipment.

In the summer of 2022, the Bohai Sea will be full of white waves. The aircraft carrier formation of Liaoning Ship completed the task of practical training at sea and returned successfully.

The officers and soldiers on the ship recalled the solemn and glorious moment nine years ago, and were filled with emotion. In August 2013, President Xi boarded the Liaoning Ship, climbed the gangway, got off the hangar, went deep into the cabin, inspected the equipment and facilities on the ship, inquired about the technical and tactical performance, and understood the work training of officers and soldiers.

When saying goodbye, he told the captain and political commissar of the Liaoning Ship: "You should remember your responsibilities, fulfill your mission, form combat effectiveness and support capacity as soon as possible, and make contributions to building a strong people's navy."

Today, nine years later, China has three aircraft carriers, which is a vivid example of the leapfrog development of weapons and equipment construction and historic achievements.

A strong country must have a strong military, and a strong military can ensure national security.

In the new era, keep in mind the earnest instructions of the commander in chief, strengthen the thinking of combat teams at all levels of the whole army, adhere to the only fundamental standard of combat effectiveness, focus all their minds on fighting, work hard for fighting, set off an upsurge of military training and preparation, and stride forward in the journey of forging a winning army.

The CMC focused on military research, war research and war fighting. All war zones actively explored the joint combat command training system under the new system The whole brigade launched missile fire assault, the strategic support force focused on forging a new type of combat force, the joint service support force organized independent confrontation exercises to explore a new path for joint combat training and joint security, the armed police force continued to improve its ability to deal with emergencies and counter terrorism, and military colleges and research institutions focused on practical combat, teaching and education, and innovation

"We should strengthen the consistency of war and training, adhere to the principle of war leading training and training promoting war, achieve training according to actual combat requirements, and achieve the integration of war and training." President Xi's words were enlightening.

The armor rolled, the warships galloped, the silver eagles roared, and the sword pointed to the sky... Looking at the whole military training ground, a magnificent picture of military training in the new era was unfolding. The officers and men of the whole army resolutely obey President Xi's orders and are as firm as steel in their will to grasp the training and prepare for war.

"If we go to war today, as long as we give a command, we will be the bullets that will be taken out of the chamber." The battle flag hunts and vows clank. The soldiers and soldiers are constantly launching new charges to win.

   Take the warmth of grassroots officers and soldiers to heart

   "All levels should be enthusiastic about and care for officers and soldiers, take the initiative to solve practical difficulties for officers and soldiers, and give full play to their enthusiasm, initiative and creativity in training and preparing for war"

When President Xi goes to the army for research, he often takes time to take a look at the dormitory, canteen and outpost of the basic level company, to understand the soldiers' clothing and food, and the urgency of life. He requests that the soldiers' life should be better under the standard.

In December 2012, President Xi came to the "Yantai Peak Heroes Company". The officers and soldiers still remember the scene at that time.

President Xi came out of the washroom of the company. Just as he got to the door, he turned back and walked in. As he walked, he said, "I'll check the soldiers' bathrooms." When the shower switch was turned on, President Xi reached for water, and the warm water splashed on his palms and wet his sleeves. President Xi said happily, "It's great that soldiers can take a hot bath at any time after training."

When I came to the soldiers' dormitories in a row and a shift, I learned that the soldiers' dormitories had changed from upper and lower bunks to single-layer bunks, and that there were many new changes, such as the installation of televisions, the distribution of drinking fountains, and the installation of retractable mosquito net poles on the new bedstead, President Xi was very pleased: "Now the conditions are very good!"

Small details show the truth. "Every time I recall the scenes at that time, I feel very warm. The commander's love for soldiers is expressed in his concern for life," said Li Yang, the political instructor of the company.

The whole region of Xinjiang is mostly Gobi desert, plateau and mountain, and many places have less than half of the oxygen content of the plain, some of which belong to the life restricted area.

At a Red Army division in the Xinjiang Military Region, President Xi told all levels: "It's really hard for officers and soldiers to stand guard in such a place. All levels should pay attention to the warmth of officers and soldiers, and solve their problems. In particular, they should solve the practical difficulties of officers and soldiers in areas above 3000 meters above sea level, such as taking oxygen, seeing a doctor, finding a partner, giving birth to children, eating fresh vegetables, and learning to become talents."

In recent years, the higher authorities have carried out the construction of oxygen production and supply for the troops. The officers and soldiers of the plateau and cold troops have absorbed the "second generation of oxygen", which has realized the oxygen supply and use on demand. The practical difficulties such as seeing a doctor and eating fresh vegetables have also been effectively solved.

"We are very happy to be stationed on the snowy plateau because of President Xi's concern." Corporal Zhang Guangzhen's simple confession expressed the aspiration of thousands of officers and soldiers on the plateau.

Deeply affectionate, containing the commander's care for officers and soldiers——

The officers and soldiers of a test and training base in the Air Force will never forget that President Xi's first words when he saw them were: "I have been thinking about you all the time. I came to see you all."

The officers and soldiers on the Haikou Ship will never forget that President Xi went into the sailors' accommodation cabin to learn more about the sailors' accommodation conditions. When learning that the two soldiers were on duty yesterday and were off duty today, President Xi asked apologetically, "Did I disturb your rest?"

Wang Jianguo, a researcher at a base, will never forget that he has been engaged in sophisticated weapons testing for more than 30 years in the desert and Gobi desert. President Xi grasped his hand tightly and said, "We need researchers like you who are rooted at the grassroots level."

Wang Zhongxin, the winner of the "August 1st Medal" and a retired veteran of the Rocket Army, will never forget that when President Xi saw his picture in the military history museum of a base, he immediately said, "I know this soldier.

Love, like spring rain, moistens the hearts of the vast number of officers and soldiers——

When President Xi inspected the Lushan earthquake disaster area, he learned that Zhang Shangnian, a pilot of a land aviation brigade, had interrupted his wedding and rushed to the disaster area

The officers and soldiers of the former National Flag Squadron of the Beijing Garrison took a group photo with President Xi in front of the screen wall of the camp. President Xi earnestly told them: "The outdoor temperature is very low in winter, so we should pay attention to keeping warm."

When leaving the canteen of Sanjiaoshan Border Guard Company, President Xi praised the food of the company was very good and encouraged the cooks: "I hope you will continue to improve your cooking skills so that the returning comrades can have delicious meals."

Before the Spring Festival every year, President Xi would take time out of his busy schedule to go to the army for a walk, a look and a chat with the officers and soldiers.

President Xi talked with the officers and soldiers of a command and control point in Xisha at a base of troops stationed in Sichuan, and learned that the garrison conditions on the island were relatively perfect. During the Spring Festival, dumplings, karaoke, chess and card games and ball games were arranged. President Xi was very happy;

In a border defense camp in the southwest, President Xi walked into the platoon, dormitory, health center, and kitchen and told the troops to "arrange their life during the festival so that the soldiers can have a happy, peaceful, and safe Spring Festival";

An air force aviation division learned that the army has prepared various interesting activities such as micro video to the front, sending Spring Festival couplets, ball games, etc. President Xi praised the activities as "military and distinctive"

The officers and soldiers must read what they are worried about and do what they hope.

In the past ten years, with President Xi's care, the infrastructure construction and material and cultural living conditions of the army, especially at the grass-roots level, have changed significantly, and the happiness index of officers and soldiers at the grass-roots level has increased significantly.

Conditions are changing, and the responsibilities and missions of the people's army remain unchanged; When life is good, the will of revolutionary soldiers cannot be lost.

"At present, the living conditions of the army have been greatly improved, and the security has been well done. However, the better the conditions are, the more we need to carry forward the spirit of hard work, and pay attention to the cultivation of the will to bear hardships and stand hard work and take pains as pleasure." President Xi said with great emphasis.

Grassroots are supreme, and soldiers are the first.

President Xi stressed that "all levels should be enthusiastic about and care for officers and soldiers, take the initiative to solve practical difficulties for officers and soldiers, give full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of officers and soldiers in training and preparing for war, and work together to advance the cause of building a strong military."

In the past ten years, the commander in chief has warmed and strengthened the morale of the army with his affectionate encouragement and advice. The whole military at all levels insisted on seizing the main body of officers and soldiers and grasping the grass-roots level, respected the main body of officers and soldiers and the pioneering spirit, and took multiple measures to enhance the endogenous power and work initiative of the grass-roots level.

   Promote the overall progress and perfection of grass-roots construction

   "Comprehensively forge a strong grass-roots unit that listens to the Party's words and follows the Party, can fight and win wars, and has strict laws and discipline and a sound atmosphere"

At the meeting of the Central Military Commission on grassroots construction, President Xi proposed to "comprehensively forge a strong grassroots that listens to and follows the Party, is able to fight and win, and is strict in law and discipline, and has a sound ethos", creating a clear blueprint for our military's grassroots construction and providing a solid foundation and support for promoting the cause of building a strong military.

"To achieve the goal of building a strong military, the foundation is at the grassroots level, and the vitality is also at the grassroots level." President Xi's concern for the construction of the military at the grassroots level and his love for the grassroots forces continue to inspire the enthusiasm of all officers and men to take root at the grassroots level and make contributions to the grassroots level, and promote the comprehensive progress and integrity of the grassroots construction.

In the struggle for a new era, the people's army firmly listens to the Party's command and casts the soul of a strong army——

The "Red Fourth Company" is a heroic company born from the Jute Uprising. In the 95 years since the founding of the company, from the march of the Long March to the night attack on Yangming Castle, from the meritorious deeds of the war against the United States and aiding Korea to the fine and powerful army in the new era, the company's officers and soldiers have never changed their hearts.

In July 2014, President Xi came to the "Fourth Red Company" stationed in Fujian and said, "Let me see you all", which suddenly brought the commander closer to the grassroots officers and men. President Xi encouraged the officers and soldiers to carry forward the glorious tradition, be good successors in red, practice fighting skills hard and strive to become excellent pacesetters.

"Over the years, we have kept in mind President Xi's mandate to cultivate red heirs. The first thing for new recruits to join the company is to visit the Honor Room, the first lesson is glorious tradition, and the first song is Lian Song." Chen Siyu, the company's political instructor, introduced.

The profound and profound educational content and new and lively educational forms have sown "red kindling" in the minds of officers and soldiers, and ignited their ambition to become more powerful.

In the struggle for a new era, the people's army has strengthened training and preparation, and accelerated the improvement of capabilities——

The naval carrier aviation base is responsible for generating the combat effectiveness of our aircraft carrier aircraft, forging the "sharp knife" of the aircraft carrier formation combat system.

On August 28, 2013, President Xi came to the base for inspection and cordially received the first batch of onboard commanders, test pilots and carrier based aircraft pilots, encouraging everyone to make persistent efforts, in-depth research, diligent and refined, and become excellent carrier based aircraft pilots at an early date.

"Holding President Xi's hand, I felt warm and full of strength." Recalling the scene of President Xi's gracious interview that day, the base commander Zhang Ye could not forget, "The word 'excellent' is very important, which contains the commander's ardent expectations for pilots. President Xi's encouragement to the aircraft carrier based aircraft force warms us like sunshine and rain, encouraging us to keep flying new trails on the road of strengthening the military. "

I dare not slack off in taking charge of the heavy weapons of a big country. In recent years, our aircraft carrier based aircraft industry has achieved a series of breakthroughs from test landing to full-time takeoff and landing, from aircraft ship coordination to system integration, from offshore flight to ocean training.

Striving for a new era, the people's army speeds up the pace of transformation and practices its fighting skills——

A special aircraft is an important equipment for air information operations. In modern war, the right to control information has become the key to win the war.

In February 2021, President Xi boarded the aircraft when inspecting an air force aviation division, entered the mission module to check the mission system, and learned about the work process and task execution of special aircraft. President Xi stressed that it is necessary to accelerate the development of advanced equipment, intensify the training of professionals, strengthen targeted antagonistic training, and promote the accelerated improvement of new quality combat effectiveness.

"President Xi boarded our aircraft. As a member of the crew, I am both excited and honored, but also feel the mission is important," said Ren Hui, the squadron leader.

Inspired by the spirit of President Xi's important speech, the division's pilots trained their skills hard, solved various training problems in close combat, and optimized and improved a variety of combat training methods.

Struggle for a new era, the people's army will train strictly from difficulties and forge a strategic iron fist——

In January 2015, when President Xi arrived at a former base of the Second Artillery Force, he made important instructions to make the base an effective strategic fist to deter and control the enemy.

This base is one of the earliest seed troops of the Rocket Army and an important strategic force of our army. President Xi personally decided to change the name of the Second Artillery Force to the Rocket Force and issued the order of "striving to build a strong modern rocket force".

Holding the sword for the country, the mission is like a mountain.

Every time a missile chariot goes on an expedition, it leaves a deep trace on the way to victory; Each take-off of the Great Power's Long Sword draws a magnificent trajectory in the sky.

Yang Xianwei, Chief Sergeant of the First Class, said, "The time is running out to join in training and preparing for war, which is to implement the best action entrusted by President Xi."

For more than seven years, the officers and soldiers of the base have been waiting for war, and organized practical training strictly from difficulty. The combat ability has been rising year after year, and the strategic iron fist has become more and more hard.

Struggle for a new era, the people's army will concentrate on scientific research and improve the battle effectiveness of new quality——

The keyboard sounds in the command hall of a central strategic support force. The officers and soldiers carry out various operations through the system, and a major task is solidly promoted.

In August 2016, President Xi Jinping inspected the strategic support force and pointed out that "the strategic support force is a new type of combat force to maintain national security and an important support for our joint combat system."

"Fighting in the forefront of the generation of new combat forces, the sense of mission and responsibility has always been surging in everyone's hearts!" Recalling the mandate at that time, engineer Huang Yan was excited.

Over the past few years, the team of the Center has continuously struggled to overcome technical difficulties, explored the way to improve combat effectiveness by relying on scientific and technological innovation, and achieved a number of independent innovation achievements.

Struggle for a new era, the people's army will go to war immediately after hearing the order, and will not disgrace its duty and mission——

Beside Zhiyin Lake in Wuhan, Hubei Province, Huoshen Mountain Hospital stands here. In March 2020, President Xi Jinping made a video connection with the medical staff representatives working in the ward through the remote consultation platform to inquire about the work and security situation.

"When we returned the salute to the chairman, we were very excited. The moisture on the goggles blurred our vision," said Zhang Yan, a nurse from a hospital of the joint logistics support force.

In the big examination of the war against epidemic situation, the whole army resolutely implemented the decision and instruction of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and President Xi Jinping, acted upon orders, bravely shouldered heavy burdens, lived up to the great trust and mission, and made outstanding contributions to winning the people's war, the overall war and the war of resistance against epidemic situation. Practice has proved that the people's army is always a heroic army that the Party and the people can trust.

Struggle for a new era, the people's army casts loyalty and protects the country and the people——

In April 2014, President Xi personally presented the flag to the Armed Police "Falcon Commando", encouraging them to strive to become the world-class anti-terrorism special force and always be the loyal guard of the party and the people.

"Every member of the Falcon Commando has a deep understanding of the important task on their shoulders." The team leader, Mi Yanguang, said that to be a good loyal guard, one must have the mission to fight hard. With the joint efforts of officers and soldiers, this team has made great progress in terms of combat capability, strength formation and weapons and equipment.

Striving for a new era, the People's Army fulfills its peacekeeping mission and displays a good image——

Peace keeping, escort, provision of humanitarian medical assistance... The People's Army is committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind and spreading peace and friendship to the world.

In January 2022, President Xi visited the Central War Zone and held a video call with the overseas peacekeeping detachment in the Central War Zone. Comrades from the peacekeeping infantry battalion, engineering unit, medical unit and helicopter unit lined up neatly and reported to President Xi in turn. "We should faithfully fulfill the peacekeeping mission, contribute more Chinese power to maintaining world peace, and show the world the good image of the Chinese army." President Xi encouraged peacekeepers.

On the front line of peacekeeping, soldiers and soldiers are encouraged. "In the days of carrying out peacekeeping missions, I felt the desire of the residents for peace and the responsibility of China as a major country to maintain peace and security." A political instructor of the peacekeeping infantry battalion said, "We will earnestly comply with the important instructions of the internship chairman, faithfully fulfill the mission, and contribute to world peace and development!"

The commander's request haunts every officer and soldier.

The glory of the times is engraved on the heart of every officer and soldier.

The heroic feeling of victory blooms on every officer and soldier's face.

Standing at the historical node of the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and looking forward to the centennial goal of the founding of the army, the officers and men of the whole army have firm beliefs and strong vows: adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively implement Xi Jinping Thought on Building a Strong Army, and accelerate the modernization of national defense and the military in accordance with the direction and blueprint of President Xi Jinping, We will continue to advance the cause of building a strong military in the new era, create new achievements that can stand the test of history and practice, and take practical actions to meet the success of the 20th CPC National Congress!

Editor in charge: Gao Xiumu