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Learn key words | China takes action to answer "the question of the times"

Time of publication: 2022-01-15 20:17:00 Source: CCTV News Client

At the invitation of Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, President Xi Jinping will attend the 2022 World Economic Forum video conference in Beijing on January 17 and deliver a speech.

▲ On January 17, 2017, President Xi Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the 2017 Annual Conference of the World Economic Forum at the International Conference Center in Davos, Switzerland, and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Sharing the responsibilities of the times and promoting global development".

"What happened to the world? What should we do?"

Five years ago, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech in Davos and Geneva, Switzerland, to face the most urgent proposition of the times and clearly convey the Chinese plan of "jointly building a community with a shared future for mankind".

From the Alpine town of Davos to the millennium old city of Lausanne to Geneva, the "capital of international conferences", China's voice resonates.

Over the past five years, China has constantly promoted all countries to work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind. At a critical moment when the world has experienced unprecedented changes in a century, China has taken pragmatic actions to bring new opportunities to the world.

"The first time I got a Swiss army knife, I admired people for giving it so many functions. I think it would be great if we could create a sophisticated Swiss army knife for our world. If human beings encounter any problems, we can use one of the tools to solve them."

On January 18, 2017, in the keynote speech delivered at the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva, President Xi Jinping, a subtle metaphor, revealed the essence of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and demonstrated the responsibility and moral strength of a major country.

In order to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, China has not only contributed wisdom, but also practical Chinese strength.

▲ On January 12, 2022, the delivery ceremony of China's aid to Myanmar was held at Meng'a Channel, Menglian Port, Pu'er City, Yunnan Province.

In the face of the intertwined impact of the century long changes in the world and the century long epidemic, China supports the equitable distribution of key medical supplies such as vaccines across the globe. In 2021, China will provide more than 2 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine to more than 120 countries and international organizations, making it the largest provider of vaccines to foreign countries. In the new year, China will continue to fully implement the global vaccine cooperation initiative, actively carry out drug research and development cooperation, and maintain the overall situation of international solidarity in the fight against epidemic.

In 2021, China announced that it would build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, solve the problem of absolute poverty in a historic way, and achieve the poverty reduction goal of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule, contributing to China's plan and strength to the human poverty reduction process.

In order to promote the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, China will successively release implementation plans and a series of support and safeguard measures for carbon peaking in key areas and industries, and build a "1+N" policy system for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. China is making greater contributions to the global response to climate change.

China firmly upholds the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, advocates that international affairs should be handled through consultation, and promotes the development of the international order and system in a more just and reasonable direction.

China is taking concrete actions to pave the way for the vision of win-win sharing.



The bell of the 2022 New Year has just rung, and "Jinbo Global Fair" has landed in the Shanghai Business District. More than 60 kinds of "new, strange and special" good products entered the Expo and walked off the booth after selection, attracting many consumers to "buy and buy".

The preparation for the 5th China International Fair has been launched in an all-round way. The exhibition area reserved for enterprise commercial exhibitions has exceeded 180000 square meters, which is faster than the same period last year.

China International Consumer Goods Fair, China International Trade in Services Fair, China Import and Export Commodities Fair, China International Import Expo... international economic and trade events form a powerful matrix, providing a broad stage for countries to share opportunities and expand exchanges.

According to the data released by the General Administration of Customs on January 14, in 2021, the import and export scale of China's goods trade will exceed US $6 trillion for the first time, a record high.

China is bringing hope and momentum to the hard recovery of the world economy under multiple risks and challenges, and also demonstrates the vitality, confidence and confidence of China's economy under the new development pattern.

In January 2017, in the icy Davos, President Xi Jinping's heartfelt words warmed the hearts of the people: "The Chinese people are well aware of the difficulties of achieving national prosperity and strength, praise the development achievements of people from all countries, bless them, hope that their days will be better and better, will not commit" red eye disease ", and will not complain that others have received great opportunities and generous returns from China's development. The Chinese people open their arms to welcome people from all over the world to take the "express train" and "free ride" of China's development. "

▲ On January 10, 2022, the 120 km/h international freight train "Lancang Mekong Express" of the China Laos Railway will start.

China has always been faithful in its words and resolute in its actions.

The China Laos Railway is a landmark project of high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road". On December 3, 2021, President Xi Jinping and the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party When attending the opening ceremony of the China Laos railway via video link, President Tung Lun stressed: "In recent years, with the goal of high standards, sustainability and benefiting the people's livelihood, China has constantly improved the level of joint construction of the" Belt and Road ", achieving mutual benefit and win-win results in the joint construction of countries, and opening up new space for the development of the world economy." President Xi Jinping's earnest words have inspired the world.

On January 10, 2022, the first train of "Lancang Mekong Express Line", which is composed of 120 km/h special railway freight cars, will depart from Wangjiaying West Station in Kunming, China. This international freight train carrying flowers, vegetables and other products from Yunnan can arrive in Vientiane, the capital of Laos, in 26 hours, which is significantly shorter than the operation time of the international freight train of the China Laos Railway.

At present, the goods categories of the China Laos Railway are increasing, from rubber, fertilizer and general merchandise at the initial stage of opening to electronic, photovoltaic, communication, automobile, textile, vegetables, flowers and other products.

With the formal entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, the freight volume of the China Laos Railway continues to grow steadily, and the freight destinations cover more than 10 countries and regions, including Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore, Bangladesh, etc.

Sharing is the best footnote for China and other countries to work together. The door of China's opening up is opening wider and wider, and people from all over the world are welcome to take the "fast train" and "free ride" of China's development.



Lausanne, Switzerland, the Olympic City, carries the glory and dream of the centennial Olympic Games.

On January 18, 2017, when meeting with President Bach of the International Olympic Committee in Lausanne, President Xi Jinping pointed out that preparing for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will be a major task for China in the coming years. We will continue to hold the Olympic Games in a green, shared, open and honest manner. China is willing to work with the International Olympic Committee to make the Beijing Winter Olympic Games a wonderful, extraordinary and outstanding Olympic event.

The global epidemic of COVID-19 has brought unprecedented challenges to the Olympic Movement. The International Olympic Committee has changed the Olympic motto to "faster, higher, stronger - more united", which reflects the importance of the unity of all mankind in overcoming difficulties in difficult times. The slogan of the Beijing Winter Olympics, "Towards the future together", is China's best interpretation of the Olympic motto.

In January 2022, when inspecting the preparations for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games and Winter Paralympic Games in Beijing, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that it is our solemn commitment to the international community to successfully host the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and Winter Paralympic Games. After several years of hard work, all preparations have been basically completed. We are fully confident and capable of contributing a wonderful, extraordinary and remarkable Olympic Games to the world.

In the past year, BOCOG has worked closely with relevant parties at home and abroad to complete various preparatory tasks on time and with high quality; The venues and infrastructure have been fully completed and meet the requirements for hosting the event, and the venue operation and event organization have been continuously optimized; Accommodation, catering, medical care, transportation and other services have been fully prepared, and a working system of integrated promotion of urban epidemic prevention and winter Olympic epidemic prevention has been established; The Games time operational command system was fully launched, and the ability to command, dispatch and emergency support across regions and fields was further enhanced.

▲ National ski jumping center "Snow Ruyi" light show

On January 12, Pierre Duclei, the Director of Operations of the Olympic Games Department of the International Olympic Committee, said in Beijing that the Beijing Winter Olympic Games were ready in terms of venue quality, service level, and people's hospitality and helpfulness, and he also felt very safe within the closed loop of the Winter Olympic Games.

The Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games will provide a new stage for promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind with a global sports language and spirit.

Today's China is approaching the center of the world stage as never before.

Today's China is playing the role of a responsible big country, providing China's wisdom and solutions to many problems facing the world today, answering the "questions of the times" with China's actions, and promoting the common construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Editor in charge: Ren Jie