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Warm Baobao | The General Secretary keeps in mind the words of all the people

Time of publication: 2022-01-01 10:34:00 Source: China Youth Network


"A myriad of things, in the final analysis, are the things of thousands of families. I have investigated some places, read and heard a lot of information, which is very enlightening and rewarding. Every time I go to the people's homes, I often ask them what difficulties there are. I always remember what my parents and fellow villagers said."

In his 2022 New Year's message, Xi Jinping, the "son of the Loess Land", spoke warmly about his concern for his father and fellow villagers. "I will read what people are worried about, and I will do what people want," he said.

"In recent years, I have visited nine provinces and regions on the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. His consistent way of governing is to care for the people and go deep into the grassroots.

In 2021, the "servant of the people" will go to Beijing, Hebei, Fujian, Guangxi, Henan, Qinghai, Tibet, Shaanxi, Shandong and other grass-roots units for investigation and research. He will walk, look, think, and guide all the way through the snow, heat, and mud. His solid footprint will be printed on the motherland, and the warmth and affection will remain in the hearts of the people.

Let's take the warm moment of General Secretary Xi Jinping's going deep into the grassroots in 2021 to feel the original aspiration of the Chinese Communists and their feelings for the people.

Video production: Green Hornet (Song Jixiang and Li Jing)

Yanqing District, Beijing

In the afternoon of January 18, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the National Alpine Skiing Center in Yanqing District of Beijing for investigation. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the foundation of sports power lies in mass sports. We should promote snow and ice sports, especially snow sports, among 300 million people and build China into a sports power by hosting the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games. At the parting, everyone shouted: "Come on, snow and ice in China!" General Secretary Xi Jinping also encouraged everyone to say: "Come on!"

Chongli District, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province

In the afternoon of January 19, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the National ski jumping center located in Chongli District, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. He watched the training demonstration of athletes with great interest and praised them constantly.

Huawu Village, Xinren Miao Township, Qianxi County, Bijie City

In the afternoon of February 3, General Secretary Xi Jinping, Zhao Yuxue, a Miao villager in Huawu Village, Xinren Miao Township, Qianxi County, Bijie City, talked with Zhao Yuxue and his family while making local traditional festival food yellow cake. Xi Jinping also wished Zhao Yuxue and his family a happier and sweeter life.

Air Force Aviation Division

On February 4, Xi Jinping inspected an air force aviation division, visited the officers and soldiers, and on behalf of the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission, extended sincere greetings and New Year greetings to all PLA officers and soldiers, officers and soldiers of the armed police force, military civilian personnel, and militia reserve personnel. This is when Xi Jinping came to the corridor of the flight crew building to check the preparations of the facilities for recreational and sports activities before the Spring Festival, and to understand the military's overall arrangements for epidemic prevention and control and holiday life.

Xingcun Town, Wuyishan City, Fujian Province

On March 22, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was investigating in Fujian, came to Yanzike Ecological Tea Garden in Xingcun Town, Wuyishan City to check the growth of spring tea and understand the development of local tea industry. Xi Jinping was very pleased to hear that under the guidance of the team of science and technology envoys in recent years, tea gardens have highlighted ecological planting, improved the quality of tea, and led tea farmers to increase their income.

Fujian Shaxian General Hospital

On March 23, General Secretary Xi Jinping of Fujian Shaxian General Hospital said in a cordial exchange with medical staff and patients: "The most important indicator of modernization is the people's health, which is the basis for people's happy life. To grasp this matter, people first and life first should be a concept that the whole party and society must firmly establish."

The Second Mobile Corps of the Armed Police

On March 24, Xi Jinping inspected the Second Mobile Corps of the Armed Police. During the inspection, Xi Jinping communicated cordially with the operators of construction machinery, encouraged them to train hard and scientifically to improve their ability to carry out tasks, and asked the officers and soldiers to "always be loyal defenders of the Party and the people".

Quanzhou County, Guilin, Guangxi

On April 25, General Secretary Xi Jinping presented a flower basket to the Red Army martyrs in the Xiangjiang Campaign Memorial Park of the Red Army's Long March in Quanzhou County, Guilin City. His first stop in Guangxi was here to remember the revolutionary martyrs. "We should have such a triumphant belief in achieving the next century goal and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. No matter how difficult it is, think about the Long March of the Red Army and the bloody battle on the Xiangjiang River." General Secretary Xi Jinping said firmly.

Mao Zhushan Village, Caiwan Town, Quanzhou County, Guilin City, Guangxi

On April 25, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the vineyard in Maozhushan Village, Caiwan Town, Quanzhou County, Guilin City, and exchanged cordially with agricultural technicians and villagers. "Write your contribution on the earth!" He said to the technician of Guilin Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, "When I was in Fujian, I worked as a special commissioner for science and technology, and now it is being popularized all over the country. Agricultural technicians want to sink to the rural grass-roots level, to do specific things that produce practical results, and this is your contribution."

Guangxi Nationalities Museum, Nanning, Guangxi

"Guangxi has made great progress in recent years, and the task of poverty alleviation has been successfully completed. As I said, there can be no shortage of people on the way to poverty alleviation. The words of the Chinese people, the Communist Party of China and the leadership of the Communist Party of China are true!" On April 27, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the "Song Fair Festival" on March 3 outside the Guangxi Museum of Nationalities in Nanning The people of all ethnic groups in the national cultural activities said during the cordial exchange: "But we can't stop. Next, we must move forward towards the second century goal, and a nation can't live without it. Come on, work hard, and make another long march!"

Wenting Lane Community, Wenhui Road Sub district, Chengxi District, Xining City, Qinghai Province

On June 7, during his investigation in Qinghai, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to the reading room of Wenting Lane Community, Wenhui Road Street, Chengxi District, Xining City to learn about the public welfare after-school trusteeship services provided by the community to young people. "Schools can't push all the students' after class time to the society. Teachers in schools should shoulder the responsibility for students' basic learning." General Secretary Xi Jinping said, "We can't stop doing it in schools, but go out to do after-school training, which will put the cart before the horse. Now the education department is correcting this phenomenon."

Shaliuhe Town, Gangcha County, Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai

On June 8, during his investigation in Qinghai, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Golog Zanggongma Village, Shaliuhe Town, Gangcha County, Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Haibei, and sat around the living room with the Tibetan herdsman Sonan to chat about family affairs. "During the Long March, the Red Army passed through the minority inhabited areas and left many beautiful stories with our minority compatriots, just like brothers and sisters." General Secretary Xi Jinping said, "Now, wherever cadres at all levels of the Communist Party go, they have to ask fellow villagers: What kind of good life do they want? A better life, we will promote and realize together."

Gongbu Park at the junction of new and old urban areas in Nyingchi, Tibet

On July 21, during his investigation in Tibet, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the Gongbu Park at the junction of the new and old urban areas of Nyingchi to inspect the park's greening and infrastructure. I send my best wishes to the local people and tourists dancing on the park square. I wish the people of all ethnic groups a better life and the sesame will blossom higher and higher. Crowds of citizens and tourists ran into the General Secretary and shouted in unison: "Hello, General Secretary!" General Secretary Xi Jinping often used pomegranate seeds to describe 56 ethnic groups. Along the way, General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "56 ethnic groups are pomegranate seeds, and the Chinese nation is the pomegranate of the whole. We are a community of Chinese people, and we should work together to achieve the second century goal."

Chengde City, Hebei Province

On August 24, during his visit to Chengde City, Hebei Province, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Daguikou Village, Pianqiaozi Town, Shuangluan District to have a cordial talk with Huo Jin's family, a family of 11 people from three generations.

Lao Huo was a little excited: "Over the years, our country has changed too much. People have been given subsidies by the government for farming. When they are ill, they have medical insurance, serious illness and assistance, and pension is also guaranteed. With the leadership of the General Secretary, people are really happy!" "We are the servants of the people. This sentence is not a slogan, we just work for the people." General Secretary Xi Jinping responded.

Yulin City, Shaanxi Province

On September 13, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Gaoxigou Village, Yinzhou Street, Mizhi County, during his investigation in Yulin, Shaanxi Province, to check the growth of crops in the fields, and to get along with fellow villagers who are working in the fields. General Secretary Xi Jinping inquired in detail about the production and operation, family income, medical security, children's schooling and employment of the villagers.

Dongying City, Shandong Province

On October 21, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the agricultural high-tech industry demonstration zone in the Yellow River Delta to check the growth of soybeans in the field when he was investigating in Dongying, Shandong Province. "The paper was written on the earth, and you have done a good job." When talking about the development of salt resistant crops, he encouraged agricultural technicians in this way.

Dongying City, Shandong Province

On October 21, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Dongying, Shandong, and Lai113 Block of Shengli Oilfield in Laizhou Bay, Dongying City, he boarded the second floor drilling platform and inspected the drilling automation equipment.

"The iron man Wang Jinxi took a big brake handle at that time. Look at the current automation equipment and working conditions." The general secretary exclaimed. Sea breeze bursts and machines roar. General Secretary Xi Jinping loudly encouraged everyone: "The construction of petroleum energy is of great significance to our country. China, as a big manufacturing country, should develop the real economy, and the job of energy must be in its own hands. I hope you will make good achievements and make new contributions again!"

   In his 2022 New Year's message, President Xi Jinping quoted "to the broad but to the subtle". Do you know the source of this sentence? How to understand this sentence?

   "To be broad and to be subtle" comes from The Doctrine of the Mean. It means that a gentleman not only reaches a broad realm, but also delves into fine points.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping once said, "In doing our work, we should have the right overall direction, clear priorities, appropriate strategies, and at the same time, we should control the details, organically combine the political economy, macro and micro, and strategy and tactics, so that we can take the overall situation into consideration when planning, and be careful and precise in operation, and prevent the overall situation from being damaged by the 'devil in details'."

Only by "reaching the vast" can we understand the rules and identify the direction in the complexity, find the right position and clarify the responsibilities in the overall development situation. The so-called "those who do not seek the overall situation cannot seek a single area".

Only by "being as subtle as possible" can we eliminate potential risks and ensure the effectiveness of our work. The so-called "details determine success or failure".

We hope that our compatriots of all ethnic groups will hold together like pomegranate seeds, let the warm embrace enliven our muscles and bones, and continue to struggle with full energy on the new journey, and work together towards the future!

Information picture: On January 28, 2014, when the Lunar New Year of the Horse is coming, Xi Jinping went to Hohhot Children's Welfare Home to visit children

(Source: People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV)



Zhang Kun, Mao Hao

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Wu Xianghan

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Zeng Fanhua, Zhang Youyun, Song Li


Zhang Ting, Zhang Jie, Liu Chen

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