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The 9th Beijing Fragrant Hills Forum will be held in Beijing from October 20 to 22

Time of publication: 14:42:01, October 18, 2019 Author: Wang Da Wang Di Source: China Youth Daily client

Beijing, October 18, client of China Youth Daily (Wang Da, correspondent of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network) This morning, reporters learned at the press briefing of the 9th Beijing Fragrant Hills Forum that the preparations for the 9th Beijing Fragrant Hills Forum jointly held by the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences and the China International Strategic Society were progressing smoothly and the relevant preparations were basically ready, It will be held in Beijing International Convention Center from October 20 to 22.

On October 18, the 9th Beijing Fragrant Hills Forum news briefing was held in Beijing. Wang Da, reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network

Major General Pi Mingyong, Vice President of the Academy of Military Sciences and Secretary General of the 9th Beijing Fragrant Hills Forum, introduced that the 9th Beijing Fragrant Hills Forum, as an internationally influential "one track and a half" high-end defense and security dialogue platform, has attracted widespread attention from all countries in the world. As of today, more than 530 official delegations from 73 countries and 7 international organizations have confirmed their participation in the forum; There were also 100 foreign experts and scholars from 53 countries and 60 domestic experts and scholars.

The theme of the 9th Beijing Fragrant Hills Forum is "maintaining international order and jointly building peace in the Asia Pacific region". There are four conference topics, namely, "relations between major countries and international order", "security risk management in the Asia Pacific region", "interests and common security of small and medium-sized countries", "international arms control system and global stability". Eight group meetings were arranged in parallel, and participants were invited to hold academic discussions on the topics of "security concept innovation", "mutual trust mechanism construction", "Asia Pacific security architecture", "maritime security situation", "international anti-terrorism cooperation", "new situation of Middle East security", "scientific and technological innovation and international security", and "artificial intelligence and future war". During the forum, China will also hold a seminar for Chinese and foreign young military officers and scholars.

According to Pi Mingyong, this forum has four prominent features. First, the timing of the forum is important. This forum is held against the backdrop of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The forum not only sets a special topic, but also arranges exhibitions, providing a valuable opportunity for friends around the world to understand China's achievements in construction and development and China's positive contributions to world peace and development.

Second, the theme of the forum is hot. The theme of the forum is closely linked to the changes in the international order and the efforts for world peace. It not only focuses on important issues in the field of international relations, such as relations between major countries, interests of small and medium-sized countries, international security risks, and the building of mutual trust mechanisms, but also focuses on new developments in maritime security, international counter-terrorism, and Middle East security. It also attaches importance to the impact of scientific and technological innovation, artificial intelligence and other scientific and technological developments on international security The impact of future wars.

Third, the scale and specification of the forum increased. On the whole, the number of foreign senior officials and heavyweight experts and scholars is the highest in history.

Fourth, the forum has various contents and forms. In order to expand the breadth and depth of the forum discussions, the number of group meetings was expanded from 4 to 8 on the basis of the plenary session of the forum. There were also dialogues between well-known Chinese and foreign experts and several special seminars, such as the trend of China US relations, the prospect of international nuclear arms control, Asia Pacific and the "Indo Pacific", the security trend of Northeast Asia, and the "black swan" of international security Discussion on prediction and other issues.

The Beijing Fragrant Hills Forum, founded in 2006, has been held for the ninth time. The first four forums are positioned as a "two track" exchange platform between international defense think tanks and scholars. In order to adapt to the new changes in the security environment and the new demands for security cooperation in the Asia Pacific region, from the fifth session in 2014, the Forum has expanded its scale, improved its specifications, and upgraded to "one track and a half". While continuing to invite well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad to attend the meeting, it has also increased its invitation to official delegations from relevant countries to attend the meeting. Adhering to the concept of "equality, openness, inclusiveness and mutual learning", the Forum is committed to gathering wisdom, expanding consensus, enhancing mutual trust, promoting dialogue, exchange and cooperation with national defense agencies, the military, international organizations and think tank experts, and playing a positive role in promoting regional security and stability and safeguarding world peace and development.

Major General Xu Tianhao, Executive Deputy Secretary General of the 9th Beijing Fragrant Hills Forum, Major Zhao Xiaozhuo, Office Director of the Forum Secretariat, Colonel Lv Liye, Deputy Leader of the Forum's Publicity Group, Gong Xianfu, Vice President of the China Institute for International Strategy, Zhao Jun, Senior Researcher and media reporters attended the news briefing.

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