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Wuhan Police Security Team Officially Appears at the Opening Ceremony of the Military Village

Time of publication: 2019-10-11 23:15:02 Author: Zhu Juanjuan, Huang Chicheng, Li Pengcheng Source: China Youth Daily client

China Youth Daily client Wuhan, October 11 (Huang Chicheng, Li Pengcheng, China Youth Daily, Zhu Juanjuan, reporter of China Youth Network) This morning, the flag raising ceremony was held in the athletes' village of the 7th World Military Games, and the security team of Wuhan police stationed in the village officially appeared.

At around 11:00, at the opening ceremony of the military village and the welcoming ceremony of the Chinese delegation to the village, all teams involved in security and services entered the field one after another, and were listed on both sides of the Chinese delegation. Among them, the security team in police uniform is eye-catching, and the leader of the team is a heroic female special police, who is Wu Miao, the volunteer image ambassador of the military games.

As the solemn national anthem sounded, several PLA saluters slowly raised the bright five-star red flag. Wu Miao and the police saluted the flag. "Soldiers devote their youth to protect their families and the country, and I especially admire their dedication to their duties and honor worship spirit," said Wu Miao. Like many soldiers, Wu Miao is also a sharpshooter. In the practical application shooting competition of the public security police at the 10th Wuhan Games in 2017, she won both the female champion and the total champion.

The police force stationed in the village like Wu Miao will guard the military village in a three-dimensional and all-weather manner and provide professional police services for the village personnel.

On the roads around the Military Village, the traffic police guide the traffic and serve the masses at each intersection; In the Athlete Welcome Center, the police carefully check the people and goods entering the village; Wuhan special police also sent members to carry out dynamic patrols.

At the same time, the Daqiao Street Police Station of the Jiangxia District Branch of Wuhan Public Security Bureau set up a temporary police station in the security office of the welcome center of the Junyun Village, and 16 policemen took over the police on a 24-hour shift. Up to now, they have accepted and handled 4 calls for help.

Editor in charge: worker