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"After 30 years of driving a special missile vehicle, the cab is my launching pad"

Date of publication: 2019-10-05 22:24:01 Author: Wang Dazheng Natural Liu Yang Liping Source: China Youth Daily client

Correspondent Liu Yang, Liping, reporter of China Youth Daily, China Youth Network, Wang Da, Zheng Tianran

In the comprehensive assessment of the military parade training, a reference vehicle led several missile fighting vehicles slowly across the assessment line.

"The distance deviation is less than 1 cm, and the comprehensive score is 99.69!" As the last missile chariot crossed the assessment line, the examiners in the assessment area shouted in surprise. An old soldier with sweat on his forehead jumped off the benchmark car, took out his notebook from his pocket while walking, wrote and drew, and recorded the driving data.

The soldier with the first rank of sergeant chief is Chen Xiwen. He is the chief coach of a team of the Rocket Army and the driver of the benchmark car. This is the third time that he has walked on the parade ground in the past five years, each time as the chief coach of the driver.

In the "September 3" military parade in 2015, he served as the head coach of the pilot and led the first public appearance of a strategic missile. Due to his excellent performance, Chen Xiwen, as a representative of the reference officers and soldiers, was cordially received by President Xi. In the 2017 military parade on the battlefield, Chen Xiwen read again and served as the chief driving coach of the team, leading the team to win the championship in many martial arts competitions.

In his 30-year military career, Chen Xiwen has safely driven a special missile carrier for more than 500000 kilometers. However, in order to maintain the good mobility of vehicles in field conditions, this type of special vehicle adopts the all wheel steering mode, which causes the vehicle to swing slightly from left to right in the process of driving, which is difficult to imagine for the "parade standard" that requires accuracy to centimeter and millisecond.

High standards also make Chen Xiwen feel pressure. New special vehicles have high requirements for drivers, and the driver training period is long. It is the first time for some young drivers to see them, so that they can quickly improve their performance and reach the "parade standard" is not easy.

"When driving a special missile vehicle, you should not only have a hard heart, hardworking hands, sensitive feet, but also a good thinking brain." Each time during training, Chen Xiwen will bring his own "three piece set": tape measure, notebook and walkie talkie to accurately measure the gap, record the training data of each driver, and communicate with the driver on the spot.

"After 30 years of driving a special missile vehicle, the driver's cab is my launching pad, and the start of the vehicle is my 'ignition' button." Chen Xiwen, sitting in the driver's cab, holding the steering wheel, and fully armed, is ready to go to war again at any time.

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