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For the first time, our army has set up a leading command team for review

Time of publication: 10:54:00, October 1, 2019 Author: Wang Da, Zheng Tianran Source: China Youth Daily client

China Youth Daily client, Beijing, October 1 (China Youth Daily China Youth Network reporter Wang Da Zheng Tianran) 352 members were all selected from the PLA's new battle command chain, and 25 generals formed a general platoon... This morning, our army set up a leadership and command team for the first time for review.

The members of the leading and commanding team are selected from the leading and commanding organizations of the CMC, the war zones, the services and arms, and the armed police force. The army, navy, air force, rocket corps, and the armed police force form five columns each. The first row is composed of generals, followed by two senior colonels and two colonels, and the second three are Lieutenant Colonel, Major and Captain.

It is understood that the average age of the members of the leadership and command team is 38 years old, and they have extensive resume and experience. Six members have participated in the war, 65 have participated in the joint training and military exchanges for external exercises, and 88 have participated in commanding major military exercises. 30.8% of the staff officers and officers in the joint operations command posts.

The leadership and command team has distinctive joint characteristics and strong war preparation orientation, showing a new style of leadership management system and joint battle command system after the reform and reconstruction of our army. (Editor: Zhao Feipeng)

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