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The J-20 is not seen to "show muscles", but to demonstrate the ability to defend peace

Time of publication: 10:48:01, October 1, 2019 Author: Zheng Tianran Source: China Youth Daily client

China Youth Daily · China Youth Network reporter Zheng Tianran

This morning, five silver gray J-20 fighter jets formed in a wedge-shaped formation, and took the lead in flying over Tiananmen Square in the huge roar, opening the prelude to the review of fighter echelons.

The fighter echelon consists of the J-20 fighter, the J-16 fighter and the J-10C fighter known as the "Three Swordsmen in the Air". As a new generation stealth fighter independently developed by our country, the J-20 fighter, which is the leader, has attracted much attention since its inception. Being able to fly this latest type of fighter to accept the review of the motherland and the people made the pilot Qiu Tiefeng feel that this military parade was "more different in meaning".

Like Qiu Tiefeng, the pilots who flew the J-20 fighter can fly J-20, J-16, J-10C and other types of aircraft, which is a pioneer in exploring and testing the new quality of combat capability of the Air Force. All of them were from a certain air force department that was the first to install this type of fighter. Their average age was less than 35 years old, but each of them had flown for more than 1000 hours.

After flying over the third generation fighter and now flying the latest generation stealth fighter, Qiu Tiefeng felt the "pain" and "joy" brought by the J-20 fighter.

With the new system, Qiu Tiefeng enjoyed the powerful agility of the J-20 fighter. The fighter can perform various flexible actions in the air with just a touch of the joystick. However, Qiu Tiefeng said that this characteristic was contrary to the requirement of formation flying when being read. Because of the highest standards in military parades over the years, the flight error in formation this year must be controlled within 1 meter.

Qiu Tiefeng explained that flying the J-20 fighter at super high speed in the 100 meter high air may be just a turbulence of air flow, and the fighter may have taxiing deflection. In order to practice stable operation, he will tighten his body every time he takes off, "lock himself in the seat", and hold the joystick until his arm is numb.

After repeated practice, now he is used to holding the joystick tightly, and the rotation range between wrists is getting smaller and smaller. In his words, "This is really the realm of 'human-machine integration'".

At the same time, the upgrading of informatization has made Qiu Tiefeng feel the ease brought by science and technology. By setting, the pilot can directly see the flight status of the whole formation and the position of his aircraft in the formation through the screen display during flight. Through the positioning system in each fighter, Qiu Tiefeng can directly see the flight adjustment parameters of his teammates in the cabin, so as to make timely adjustment and reduce formation error. This new technology is called "J-20 black technology" by him in order to strengthen the system connection in combat.

"The J-20's participation in the review is to demonstrate our combat effectiveness," Qiu Tiefeng said. "This is not to show our muscles, but to show our ability to defend peace." (Editor: Zhao Feipeng)

China Youth Daily client Beijing, October 1

Editor in charge: worker