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Launching of the first amphibious assault ship of China

Date of publication: 09:54:01, September 25, 2019 Author: Zhao Feipeng Source: China Youth Daily client

China Youth Daily client, Shanghai, September 25 (China Youth Daily · China Youth Network reporter Zhao Feipeng) On the morning of September 25, the launching ceremony of the first amphibious assault ship of the Chinese Navy was held in Shanghai.

At about 9:20, the ceremony began with the solemn national anthem, and military and local leaders jointly cut the ribbon for launching the first amphibious assault ship. After the ribbon cutting, the champagne bottle was automatically broken on the platform on the port side of the ship, the colored ball on the bow was opened, the ribbons ejected from the flight deck fluttered in the wind, and the ship whistled at the scene. At the same time, the dock gate water injection port is opened to inject water into the dock. The whole audience applauded warmly.

The ship is the first amphibious assault ship independently developed by China, and has strong amphibious operations and the ability to carry out diversified tasks. Next, the ship will carry out equipment commissioning, mooring navigation test and other work as planned.

Leaders from relevant ministries and commissions of the State, the Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission, the Navy, Shanghai City, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, as well as scientific research and construction personnel, military officers and soldiers representatives attended the ceremony.

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