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Go to the parade ground after 00

Date of publication: 2019-09-25 08:18:01 Author: Wang Da, reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network Source: China Youth Daily client

"As soon as I heard about the parade selection, I immediately signed up with the instructor, and this opportunity must be seized!" The 18-year-old senior soldier Wang Dengming still remembers his excitement when he learned the news of the parade selection.

It was Wang Dengming who had just joined the company, and his military career had just begun. In September 2018, a large number of post-00s like Wang Dengming joined the army and became the main force of new recruits. Now, they will go to the parade ground for the first time to accept the review of the motherland and the people.

Standing in a neat line, Wang Dengming's face was tanned, no different from other players. However, in the eyes of careful coaches, the post-00s players have many distinctive characteristics.

"Flexible mind, active mind, dare to say and do, strong understanding ability, and quick grasp of the action essentials." Chen Mingjie, the captain and instructor of the second squadron of the air force, commented on the team's post-00s.

In his opinion, the post-00s team members just entered the military camp one year ago, and there are not many chronic habits in the queue training, which is highly plastic, which has become an advantage.

"They also dare to say, dare to do, dare to put forward different opinions." Chen Mingjie remembered that when they just participated in the military parade, these "recruits" dared to talk about their understanding of the action, and sometimes argued with him, he often had to explain to them why the action was done.

"Veterans are more tactful, not so direct," he said with a smile.

Wang Dengming is physically energetic. Because his movement standard has been rated as a training model for three times, he is the only volunteer who has won the model in a row. He described his personality as lively, cheerful and "naughty". He would be very happy every time he was praised by the coach. During training and rest, he can also sing a inspirational song for his comrades in arms generously.

These active young people like a fresh spring, injecting new vitality into the team to be read. However, in the early days of the high-intensity military parade training, the post-00s soldiers who had just entered the military camp also showed an immature side.

Wu Zhihao, 19, is a member of the post-00s of the Rocket Army's hiking team. At the beginning of the military parade and training, he was often called at the square team because of his irregular movements. "He was not in a state of mind for a few days after being called, and was not comfortable psychologically. He was listless during the training and had no smile on his face."

With the gradual development of military parade training, this relatively weak anti frustration ability has been significantly improved. "The whole person was not in good condition after encountering setbacks before, but now he has no problem at all," said Wu Zhihao.

"If you are knocked down in a few words, you should not come to the parade," said Liu Peiyuan, a member of the 00 year old Rocket Army equipment team. "We should be more brave as we get more frustrated."

Before participating in the military parade, Liu Peiyuan felt that he was "able to bear hardships", but after the military parade training, he knew that "it was just a drop in the bucket". He knew that the monotonous and boring training was repeated every day, and his skin was tanned and peeled by the sun. Only strong willed people could persist until the end.

Faced with day after day high-intensity training, many people thought of giving up. Zhu Xudong, a member of the armed police force's post-00s group, was once ready to retire.

His father, who participated in the military parade celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, encouraged him: "My father once participated in the military parade and accepted the review of the motherland. The whole family felt extremely honored and proud and could not give up anything."

This remark made Zhu Xudong, who was at a low point, full of strength. He took the initiative to practice his weak points, "as if he had changed his personality". In the end, his training performance became better and better, completely getting rid of the embarrassing situation of dragging his feet.

The military parade training exercises the hardship consciousness and willpower of the post-00s soldiers, making their arms stronger and stronger. Zheng Lusong, a 35 year old senior sergeant of the fourth rank, once questioned the hard-working spirit of the post-00s, but now he has changed his view: "They have done as well as the non commissioned officers."

As a veteran, Zheng Lusong witnessed the growth of the post-00s on the parade training ground. "At the beginning of the training, the assessment of private and private soldiers was basically poor, and the coach would point them out and say why your actions were so bad." Zheng Lusong said that if the sergeant was called and criticized, he would definitely take the initiative to increase training, but the volunteer felt indifferent, so the same problem would occur next time.

Slowly, there are fewer and fewer such situations. The post - 00s in the queue become more and more attentive. They always ask for advice when encountering problems, and pick up the action again and again until they are done beautifully and normatively.

"At the beginning, the biggest problem for new recruits was that they did not understand the standards of the parade. They still failed to meet the standards when they tried their best, and sometimes they inevitably felt emotional." Zheng Lusong said that as the standards of the post-00s became higher and higher, they became more and more progressive and more perfect.

"One military parade is worth three or four years of military service." He said that this influence is imperceptible. "In the future, the quality of this soldier in any unit will be excellent, and the superior will be relieved to hand over any task."

The post-00s on the training ground are maturing rapidly, tearing off the invisible labels attached to them by people around them. Liu Peiyuan felt that his work was becoming more and more meticulous, and his collective consciousness was also becoming stronger: "Just like the military parade training, a platoon of more than ten people can not only care about themselves, regardless of the people next to them. Only by integrating into the whole can we achieve uniformity."

The military parade training also sharpened the character of the post-00s players. "I used to be criticized at school and at home, but I was tired of hearing too much, so I just took it back." Liu Peiyuan said with a smile, "Now I really have made great progress, and people are much more calm."

Through the military parade, their views on many things have also changed. "In the past, when they 'folded tofu cubes' in the dormitory, they would ask whether the quilt was for watching or sleeping. Isn't it a trouble?" Zheng Lusong said, "Now they know that it is a sense of standards."

"This generation can't live without mobile phones, and it's hard not to have mobile phones." Tian Xiang, a line-up coach of the air force team, once led recruits, and was very familiar with the habits of young people. He found that many young soldiers had changed this habit through this parade, "Now we platoon people especially like reading."

These young people who were once "unfamiliar" with abstract concepts such as honor, patriotism and responsibility are now feeling the impact of spiritual power at a close distance.

"Now, as soon as I go out, I will consciously hold my head high, because my image represents the collective." A member of the post-00s team said, "My sense of honor is slowly increasing."

During the training, these soldiers learned that their troops sent representatives to their homes for condolences, and immediately emerged a sense of pride of "being read by one person and being honored by the whole family". When you call a comrade in arms in your class, the other side always adds, "Come on, we'll watch you on TV."

For many members of the post-00s generation, this parade is the first time they have visited Tiananmen in their lives, and it is also the first time they have accepted the parade on behalf of Chinese soldiers.

"There is a saying in the army that, when passing through the south and the north, they kicked their legs in front of Tiananmen Square." Liu Peiyuan said that it is a precious treasure for him to participate in the military parade at the beginning of his military career, "it is a glory worth cherishing for a lifetime".

Editor in charge: worker