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6260 meters above sea level! Magnificent Mountains and Rivers under Steel Rotor

Time of publication: 2022-07-16 18:01:00 Source: China Youth Daily client

The plateau above 4200 meters above sea level is called the "double forbidden area" of life and rotary wing aircraft. A land aviation brigade of Xinjiang Military Region, which is responsible for plateau tasks all the year round, focuses on the environmental characteristics of the "two high" areas, regularly organizes the expansion training of three major professional abilities of flight, maintenance, and terminals, and adopts the training mode of "different courses, different echelons, and different regions" to train pilots to upgrade their abilities, Constantly explore and break through the capability limit of main combat equipment in plateau operations.

Author: Correspondent Ji Jiantao, Wang Ping, reporter of Zhongqing Daily, Zhongqing Network, Zheng Tianran

Editor in charge: Ren Jie