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Devote youth to warships

Time of publication: 05:53:00, July 14, 2022 Source: China Youth News China Youth Network

Yancheng Ship is on the way to the ferry. Du Jiangfan/photo

Recently, the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the listing of Yancheng Ship at a military port in Qingdao is underway. The 12 "elders" on the ship, the first batch of sailors to receive the ship, lined up neatly on the deck to accept the salute from all the sailors.

Sun Biao, the head of the steering team of the navigation department, was among them. He was a corporal when he received the ship, but now he has become a first class sergeant. At the moment, his thoughts are myriad, and scenes of the expedition with the ship keep emerging in his mind, but what impressed him most was the thrilling night.

On January 7, 2014, the Yancheng warship, which was carrying out the sixteenth batch of escort missions in the Gulf of Aden, replenished and rested in Limassol Port, Cyprus. At 2:09 midnight, the battle alarm suddenly sounded, and the Yancheng ship received an urgent order to immediately carry out the maritime escort mission of Syrian chemical weapons.

That night, without pilots and tugboat support, the Yancheng Ship quietly left Limassol Port and moved to the scheduled sea area at high speed. "It was too dangerous!" In retrospect, Sun Biao's palm was still sweating.

On February 6, 2014, when President Xi attended the opening ceremony of the Sochi Winter Olympics, he sent a video message of condolences to the officers and soldiers of the Yancheng Ship who were carrying out the maritime escort mission of the Syrian Chemical Weapons. President Xi's earnest advice is like a spring breeze turning into rain, inspiring the army. All officers and men of Yancheng Ship, bearing in mind their great trust and turning care into motivation, went to the Gulf of Aden twice to escort WFP ships, participated in multinational joint maritime security exercises for many times, and demonstrated to the world the image of China as a responsible big country with practical actions.

When you enter the Yancheng Naval History Corridor, a three-dimensional world map called "Shining Track" is eye-catching. On the map, the track of the warship listed in the past 10 years on June 5, 2012 was depicted by colorful fluorescent pens, like rainbows, spanning five continents and three oceans.

Wang Zunli, the head of the cooking team, stops every time he passes this map of the world. Wang Zunli is one of the first recruits of Yancheng Ship. For him, the shining track of nearly 300000 nautical miles is not only the historical witness of war, but also the most beautiful mark of brilliant youth.

Born in rural Shandong, he can now confidently talk about his many overseas experiences, and he can blurt out some complicated foreign place names and strait waterways. In 10 years, Wang Zunli devoted his youth to warships, and also gained dreams and glory. Less than two years after landing on the ship, he joined the Communist Party of China with honor. He has carried out more than 40 major tasks, became a senior cook of Chinese food, and has been awarded "excellent sergeant" for many times.

   Winning pursuit

In the eyes of the officers and soldiers of Yancheng Ship, from 1 to 616, is a string of vital figures, which represents the spiritual inheritance and mission relay.

Each member assigned to Yancheng Ship for service and passing the relevant assessment will have a number. "The unique number has inspired generations of Yancheng warship officers and men to focus on high-end naval battles and take on the important task of winning," said Luo Daiyu, a political commissar.

Li Weibo, chief engineer of the mechanical and electrical department and first class sergeant, is the 50th member of Yancheng Ship. He has been in the army for 26 years. He has been dealing with diesel engines for 26 years. He has a clear understanding of the "temperament" of his equipment.

That year, during the sea training of Yancheng Ship, when the ship sailed to a certain sea area, the temperature sensor suddenly gave an alarm sound. At the critical moment, Li Weibo "looked, heard and asked", and located the fault within 20 seconds. Fortunately, the accident was avoided when it was discovered in time, and the officers and soldiers on the scene gave thumbs up one after another.

The excellent ability to win the war is derived from the pursuit of professional excellence, but also from the persistent pursuit of winning. Sun Zhonghong, the chief mechanical and electrical engineer, is a "fault finder". The fire fighting command password is not standardized. He takes the division chief to train repeatedly; In order to simulate the real fire scene, he would make "trouble" from time to time, throw down the smoke can and turn off the power quietly.

"Li Weibo" and "Sun Zhonghong" were active in various positions of the Yancheng warship, and built the warship into a sea "sharp knife" capable of fighting.

One day in the second half of last year, Yancheng warship received an urgent mission to drive foreign warships away from a certain sea area.

During the mission, the warship encountered bad sea conditions, and the outer ship was less than 100 meters away from me. In the face of arrogant provocation, the whole ship stood together and bravely showed their swords, which suppressed the momentum of foreign ships approaching for reconnaissance and malicious harassment, effectively defended our maritime rights and interests, and was praised by leaders at all levels.

Over the past 10 years, equipment has been upgraded and personnel have changed, but the pursuit of the officers and men of Yancheng Ship to win will never change. They integrate the winning gene into their blood, aiming at the battlefield and giving a satisfactory answer to the party and the people.

   Jointing growth

Fang Kun, the captain of the ship to air missile section of the air defense department, has been engaged in the missile profession for 11 years and is a well-known professional "master". But in the face of new missiles, my mind was blank.

In 2020, Yancheng Ship will be equipped with a new type of missile in order to promote transformation construction and better meet the needs of future information-based naval warfare.

In order to learn new equipment well, veteran Fang Kun is willing to be a "primary school student". During the day, he follows technicians to debug equipment. At night, he studies the instructions by himself and touches the circuit again and again. He often stays up until late at night.

The test of new equipment could have been completely handed over to scientific research institutes. Yancheng ships only need to provide platform support. However, Captain Guo Xibin did not think so. He always put innovation and transcendence in mind, took the sailors to participate in equipment tests in depth, practiced coordination, command and tactics, and achieved the best state of "man ship integration", effectively promoting the improvement of warship combat effectiveness.

In the subsequent live fire exercise mission, the missile destroyed the target, the test achieved a major victory, and also achieved a new breakthrough in the method of warfare.

For Kun, the missile is a highlight on the display screen of the position director. In contrast, Xu Zhengui, the political instructor of the mechanical and electrical department, was much luckier. He witnessed the whole process of missile launch in the cab.

Xu Zhengui comes from the aviation force. Two years ago, the superior further promoted the way of exchange and replacement. He volunteered to be a name and resolutely chose to go to the front line to fight ships.

Shortly after boarding the ship, Xu Zhengui felt a strong ability panic. The classmate who graduated together has been qualified for several years, but he hasn't been out for a day.

"It's not enough to rely on old money alone," said Xu Zhengui. Then, he began a difficult journey of "transformation": systematically learning the common sense and equipment knowledge of ships from scratch, actively signing up for damage management training, and actively participating in the research on the discipline of war methods.

One year later, Xu Zhengui successfully passed the post qualification assessment and became a veritable political instructor of ships. After the baptism of wind and waves and the tempering of tasks, he really felt the same frequency resonance of personal growth and naval development.

3650 days and nights, trials and hardships, jointing growth. Yancheng Ship has become the talent "incubation base" of the detachment. Over the past 10 years, it has provided more than 100 cadres for brother units and higher authorities, won the collective third and second class merit once, and was praised as the "National May 4th Red Flag Youth League Committee" by the Central Committee of the Youth League.

   Dream stage

Yang Shijie, a soldier in the mechanical and electrical department, finally realized his dream of college.

In the afternoon of June 17, Yang Shijie, dressed in academic dress and academic cap, received the diploma from Jiangsu Open University from the captain and political commissar. He graduated with 24 other soldiers of the ship.

In recent years, Yancheng warships have undertaken heavy combat readiness training tasks, with an annual average of more than 200 days at sea. "Home on the sea, guests on the shore" has become the norm.

In order to help officers and soldiers improve their academic qualifications, the Shipboard Party Committee actively communicated with Yancheng Double Support Office, reached agreements with Yancheng Institute of Technology, Jiangsu Open University and other institutions of higher learning to help officers and soldiers and military families improve their academic qualifications free of charge.

At that time, Yang Shijie, who was also a junior college degree, was the first to register. He also took the initiative to assume the responsibility of a study committee member, regularly summarizing homework problems, and coordinating the arrangement of video Q&A. Yang Shijie was selected as the representative of outstanding graduates to speak at the ceremony because of his excellent academic performance.

1200 square meters is the main deck area of Yancheng Ship. In this limited space, officers and soldiers take the ship as their home, weave youth dreams with both hands, and realize their own values with hard work.

Kang Zhixuan, a female soldier from the communications department, held her first personal painting exhibition before retiring. She loved painting when she was young, and still insisted on learning painting skills in her spare time after she signed up for the army. Near retirement, she wanted to review her military career in a unique way and created a series of theme works in her spare time.

In order to realize Kang Zhixuan's "painter dream", Yancheng Ship held a special painting exhibition "Memory of a Strong Army, Blue Voyage" between patrols. On that day, the deck of Yancheng Ship was bustling with excitement. Kang Zhixuan's thematic paintings had just appeared, and they won the praise of officers and soldiers. A soldier said: "This is an artistic edification of painting aesthetics, but also a spiritual transmission of love and dedication."

In Yancheng Ship, where there is a dream, there is a stage. Zhang Teng, a college student soldier who just boarded the ship last year, dreams of becoming a captain, piloting a warship and going to Dark Blue! Through his down-to-earth efforts, he is approaching his dream step by step.

It is the youth dream of a famous sailor that has converged into the magnificent force of building a world-class navy in an all-round way. On June 5, at the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Yancheng's listing, Zhang Teng was very excited. He said, "Ten years is a new starting point, and our shining track continues!"

Li Hao, Du Jiangfan, Zhongqing Daily, reporter of Zhongqing. com, Zheng Tianran

Original title: dedicate youth to warships
Editor in charge: Bai Kejia
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