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Let the world see the spirit of Chinese youth

Time of publication: 06:36:00, October 17, 2023 Author: Meng Peipei Source: China Youth News

On the evening of October 14, the online theme publicity and interactive guidance activity of "Writing Youth on the Land of the Motherland" was held in Sichuan University, and teachers and students took out their mobile phones to record the activity. Wang Xinxin, reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network

After the Chinese team won the men's 4 × 100 meter track and field championship, the song "Young Battlefield" was played at the Hangzhou Asian Games, which was specially ordered by Chinese track and field athlete Xie Zhenye for three young teammates. "Bless us that we can always strive with a young heart in the future."

This time, Xie Zhenye, a "song expert", ordered a song "We are all dreamers" for college students at Sichuan University. He said: "Let me go on the journey of our own life dreams together with my classmates, so that we will have no regrets and let our dreams come true."

On the evening of October 14, the online theme publicity and interactive guidance activity (hereinafter referred to as "Great Ideological and Political Course") of "Writing Youth on the Land of the Motherland" was held in Sichuan University. Representatives of teachers and students from education, culture, sports, science and technology, rural revitalization and other fields, as well as youth representatives, told their stories of youth dreams.

   "Let the world see the spirit of Chinese youth"

"Because of the strength of the motherland and the excellence of Chinese nursing, we have won this honor and are grateful for the great motherland." On May 12 this year, we won the 49th Nightingale Medal. Jiang Yan, director of the Nursing Department of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, updated this sentence in his circle of friends at the first time.

Wearing white clothes, a swallow hat and a medal on her chest, Jiang Yan shared this sentence again in the big ideological and political class. She said that the heavy medal on her chest belongs to every ordinary nurse in the world. "For college students, youth is the biggest medal given by life, and hard work is the most beautiful gesture on the way to pursue dreams.".

Jiang Yan told the reporter of Zhongqing Daily, Zhongqing. com that her grandfather was a "barefoot doctor" in the village and often gave simple treatment to villagers free of charge. When she was a child, Jiang Yan saw that she was "very happy to be able to help others in her own way".

At the age of 17, she graduated from health school and became a nurse. She ran all the way to "become the best of herself". In 28 years, she passed the self-taught examination and adult college entrance examination, and finally obtained a doctor's degree.

She also shared a set of data: the total number of nurses in China has grown from 33000 at the beginning of the founding of New China to 5.2 million today. "It is precisely because of the rapid development of higher nursing education that I have the opportunity to write youth growth through struggle, and take more scientific care of patients."

In 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic spread all over the world. She volunteered to become a member of the Chinese anti epidemic medical expert group and traveled to Africa to assist in medical prevention and control, and tailored anti epidemic programs for more than 170 medical institutions in Ethiopia. At that time, she was also the only nurse in the team.

Before leaving, the other party took the initiative to ask for an additional professional training and guidance. "When the other party thinks that the help we provide is valuable, at that moment, the sense of achievement in the heart arises spontaneously". She sent herself a postcard, which said "Professionalism, professionalism and dedication are the universal language".

A few months later, the postcard drifted across the sea and returned to her desk.

Jiang Yan recalled that a patient once said to her, "I can't see you clearly when you wear masks, but I remember your eyes, which are the brightest stars in the sky." She sighed, "This is another medal of life".

Before becoming the "queen of the Chinese women's basketball team", Wang Siyu, the Chinese women's basketball player, felt that he was an "inconspicuous little friend thrown in the crowd" when he was a child. Since she was young, she has embarked on the path of professional basketball. She has experienced many doubts and negatives.

"But I have a 'big heart', and I have never been influenced by some trivial voices to pursue my dreams." Wang Siyu said that although everyone chooses a different life path, regardless of whether they live in high light or low light, they should stick to their ideals and dreams, and fight for them. "One day there will be a light that belongs to you, and it will illuminate your direction"

Xie Zhenye also became the "light" of this year's Hangzhou Asian Games. First, he ran his personal best time of 9.97 seconds to win the first individual gold medal of the Asian Games in his career, and then led the team to win the men's 4 × 100 meter gold medal again. Xie Zhenye wrote a new history of "Asian speed", and together with a group of small athletes, let the world see the rise of China's sprint.

"Because the Chinese delegation has made impressive achievements, I am very proud of it." When he was the flag bearer of the Chinese delegation at the closing ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, he waved the five-star red flag in his hands with extra force.

As for the Paris Olympic Games next year, Xie Zhenye said frankly that China's track and field is still a rising star on the stage of the Olympic Games, although it is not the brightest one, "But I always hope that I can stand in the Olympic final and play my best, so that the world can see the spirit of our new generation of young Chinese and let the world know that we have caught up.".

   "Do your best to continue to be an ordinary good person"

"Some people say I'm gambling on my life. Thank you for this luck. At least I won two lives." On the platform of the big ideological and political class, Peng Qinglin, the younger brother of Zhejiang Diving Rescue, told his experience of saving people.

Four months ago, Peng Qinglin jumped down from Hangzhou Xixing Bridge to rescue a girl who fell into the water on the way to deliver a running order in Hangzhou. However, he was admitted to hospital for treatment of thoracic vertebral compression fracture caused by high falling into the water.

"The moment I stood outside the fence, I experienced a fierce struggle, because it was really too high, but I still jumped when I looked at the girl again." Peng Qinglin said, "From childhood to adulthood, I had many experiences of being helped, warmed, and changed. People who have been helped know the power of love best, and most want to pass on love and warmth."

He told the reporter of Zhongqing Daily and Zhongqing Net that when he was young, he was supported by caring people because of his poor family. When he grew up, Peng Qinglin, like many young people, liked riding. During his riding in Tibet a few years ago, he felt more warmth from ordinary strangers.

Not long ago, he returned to his hometown, Sangzhi County, Hunan Province, with the love money he had received previously, and established the "Pengqinglin Love Public Welfare Center", which donated grants to students with difficult families.

Peng Qinglin is also going through the streets and alleys to deliver food. In his spare time, he joined the ranks of urban volunteers to help tourists and citizens within his power. He said, "If you want to do something good, don't just say it, but do it when you think about it. I just want to do my best to continue to be an ordinary good person."

"Because I have been in the rain, I want to hold an umbrella for others." Du Chengcheng, a volunteer interpreter of the blind film, has become the "eye" of many blind friends, although his left leg was amputated due to illness.

In 14 years, she explained more than 300 films in the blind cinema, wrote more than 1 million words of explanations for more than 80 films, and also attracted nearly a million people to listen to her talk about films through webcast.

For the first time, she chose the movie Hawthorn Tree Love. The following challenge is that it is not easy to talk about movies. Sometimes very short pictures express a lot of content.

"Every movie needs to be explained minute by minute, especially the details of the emotional drama. It needs to be carefully considered which words to use to express feelings." Du Chengcheng told the reporter of Zhongqing Daily and Zhongqing Net that she would also invite her mother as an audience to polish her speech repeatedly.

More than 40 blind friends became her first audience. She still remembered that after the film ended, several blind friends groped over, shook her hand excitedly and said, "I have lived half my life, this is the first time to 'watch' a film, and you are our eyes".

This gave her great encouragement, and since then she has decided to keep doing this. In her opinion, every thank you and encouragement means the value of this job and her life.

"Everything has cracks. That's where the light comes in." With the steady applause of the whole audience, Du Chengcheng pushed his wheelchair to the spotlight of the big ideological and political lesson. For her, the light of life comes from the selfless love of her parents, the eager expectations of disabled brothers and sisters, and those who help and warm her. She said, "I am your eye, and you are my light."

Wang Xuechao, a teacher from the Marxism Institute of Tianjin Normal University, plays the photo album on the spot. Each photo records a story about youth.

For example, Fan Xiaokang, a graduate from Tarim University in Xinjiang, picked up cotton with villagers. Fan Xiaokang once thought that his youth could be a little different, "like going to the grassroots". Later, he really stayed. "Just like my name Fan Xiaokang, I will continue to work hard to follow the masses to a well-off society. I come from Tarim, and it is Tarim that has made me successful. I also want to inherit the spirit of Populus euphratica and take root in the land of Tarim."

Another example is the photo taken by Luo Jie, the head of the Sichuan University postgraduate volunteer education group, when he first came to Zhaojue County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province to volunteer education. After class that day, a weak voice came from the back of the classroom. The simple five words made his tears flow down. They set up a book corner and an interesting laboratory. "Many people ask me what is the meaning of volunteer teaching? My answer is to spend a year doing something unforgettable, which is youth".

"Doing what you like is full of vitality." Wang Xuechao said that in the broad historical process of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it will be a lucky thing if the individual's struggle is consistent with or resonates with the historical process. "I hope you can ignite the spark with your fiery youth. Your youth will come on the scene and set sail, and the Chinese giant ship will certainly cut the waves and forge ahead."

   Continue to shine in their respective "battlefields"

At the age of 19, Jiang Jie, who is most suitable for pursuing dreams, is determined to contribute her all to the revolutionary cause.

Over the past hundred years, Zhang Yu, the monitor of the "Jiangjie Class" of the School of Water Resources and Hydropower of Sichuan University, and the students have a heart of scientific innovation and national service.

On the anniversary of Jiang Jie's death last year, Zhang Yu felt as if she had met Jiang Jie through time and space in her speech. "I told her how lovely your ideal new China is now, and I am proud of the responsibility and mission given by the 'Jiang Jie class'.".

She mentioned that she will become a graduate student next year. She will devote herself to the national "double carbon" strategy, taking energy storage materials and battery engineering as the research direction.

Young people are full of imagination about the future. The video blogger Pancake Guozai and Xia Meimei, who are very popular with young people because of their work Escape from the British Museum, said that they would like to thank the unlimited possibilities brought by the short video era, so that their content can be seen and loved. "We also call on everyone to find their infinite possibilities in their different lives".

They made a wish to become actors, screenwriters and directors in the near future. "We act for love."

Wang Zirui, a student of Qianshan Yezhai Middle School in Anhui Province, set a new goal after finishing the training with the first place in Anhui Province in the eighth National Student Military Training Camp. "In the future, I must also join the army with a pen, strive to grow into a new type of high-quality and professional military talents, contribute to the modernization of national defense and the military, and write the youth chapter on the motherland."

"The national flag is really beautiful, Venus and Venus shine on the earth, I would like to turn into a small red cloud and fly to the blue sky to kiss you..." At the opening ceremony of the 31st Summer Universiade, the Yi girls in Daliang Mountain, Sichuan Province sang the song "The National Flag is really beautiful" with children.

Standing on the platform of the big ideological and political lesson, she sang the familiar melody again and spoke her dream. "My dream is to be a music teacher. I want to teach many students like me, take them to a larger stage, and sing the songs of Daliang Mountain to the world."

"Youth wisdom is the wisdom of the country, youth wealth is the wealth of the country, youth strength is the strength of the country, youth freedom is the freedom of the country!" At the Youth Song Festival, students of Sichuan University and Sichuan Conservatory of Music joined the drumbeat and sang the song "Youth China Talk" with singer Zhang Jie.

Wang Jinsong, president of Sichuan University, said: "In the new era, young people have a very broad stage to display their talents and a very bright prospect to realize their dreams. In the new era, as teachers, we should remember the entrustment of" working hard in the education arena and making a strong country have me ", so as to educate people for the Party and the country; As students, you should live up to the pledge of 'Rest assured of the Party and make a strong country have me', and use your youth and sweat to create a new miracle that makes the world look up to you. I firmly believe that contemporary Chinese youth will live up to their youth and mission! "

Meng Peipei, reporter of China Youth Daily, China Youth Network Source: China Youth Daily

Editor in charge: Gao Xiumu