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Looking at the World from Wuzhen -- "Network" Linking the Digital Future

Time of publication: 2022-11-11 06:17:00 Author: Yin Xining Source: China Youth News

On November 9, the Internet International Convention and Exhibition Center in Wuzhen Town, Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province was the site of the 2022 World Internet Leading Scientific and Technological Achievements Release Activity. On that day, 15 world leading Internet technology achievements were unveiled. Qu Junyan, reporter of China Youth Daily and China Youth Network

How much energy can a "net" gather?

From November 8 to 11, a digital network centered on Wuzhen, a water town in Zhejiang Province, China, connected hundreds of countries and regions: the "Digital Dunhuang" platform from China showed the world the crystallization of ancient civilization connectivity; The sustainable digital innovation scheme from Germany provides urban transformation ideas for Panjin, China; AR glasses from Japan attract tourists to queue up for "clocking in" experience

This is a development network that enables the global recovery of the digital economy, and also a network that moves towards a community of shared future in cyberspace.

In July this year, the International Organization of the World Internet Conference was officially established, and the Wuzhen Summit was also its "debut", attracting more than 2100 guests from more than 120 countries and regions.

From "connectivity, sharing and common governance" eight years ago to "jointly building a cyber world and a digital future - jointly building a community of shared future in cyberspace" this year, the changing theme of the Wuzhen Summit continues to demonstrate China's firm determination to work with other countries to build a community of shared future in cyberspace.

   Help high-quality development and share the digital future

"From a small side to hundreds of square meters." Speaking of the booth of the "Internet Light" Expo, Mr. Zheng, senior vice president of Anheng Information, first drew a wall with his left hand, then drew a big circle with his hands. This group of comparison is the change of booth area of his enterprise in 9 years.

"Nine years ago, the company had three or four hundred people, but now, the number has increased tenfold, and the revenue has increased dozens of times." Zheng Wu said that this is the common development process of enterprises following the Internet conference.

The World Internet Conference has become a "carry goods" platform for all parties, and continues to export "new" and "popular" products. Take 2021 as an example. During the Wuzhen Summit, 40 digital economy cooperation projects were signed, with a total investment of more than 60 billion yuan.

According to the white paper "Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace" released on November 7, by 2021, China's digital economy has reached 45.5 trillion yuan, accounting for 39.8% of GDP. The digital economy has become one of the main engines driving economic growth.

Xu Haoliang, Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, sees that China has proved that the digital economy can improve people's living standards. His case is that with the rural Internet penetration rate approaching 60%, most rural families in China can use e-commerce, digital financial services and online learning platforms.

Lu Dongliang, Chairman and President of China ASEAN Information Port Co., Ltd., said that although the global economic growth was weak, the digital economy rose against the trend. In the past decade, the growth rate of the digital economy was 2.5 times that of the global GDP, and the digital economy has become an important engine to promote the global economic recovery.

At the Wuzhen Summit, digital economy leading high-quality development is not only an idea, but also an action. In 2020, China and ASEAN countries jointly launched the Year of Digital Economy Cooperation, jointly released the China ASEAN initiative on establishing digital economy cooperation, and passed the ASEAN Digital Master Plan 2025. Lu Dongliang believes that the digital economy is becoming a new growth point to promote cooperation between China and ASEAN, bringing new development space.

"China is our key strategic partner, especially on the issue of digital cooperation." Daniel Filmes, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation of Argentina, said that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Argentina. At the Wuzhen Summit, many countries and regions have come together because of their common desire to pursue the development of the global digital economy. He hopes to further cooperate with China in the coming years to build a shared and secure digital future for all countries.

   Empowering cultural treasures, enjoying the excellent cultural world

How many steps will it take to "move" the Dunhuang Grottoes at the western end of China's Hexi Corridor to Wuzhen, a water town? In the answer given by Su Bomin, president of the Dunhuang Research Institute, perhaps only one step is needed - networking.

"The Dunhuang Grottoes are the crystallization of multi civilization mutual learning and integration on the Silk Road. Today, we use the Internet platform and technology to show the crystallization of ancient civilization interconnection to the world, and to spread the light of China's brilliant civilization to the international community." On November 8, Su Bomin, as the first publisher of the day's "Work together to build a community of shared future in cyberspace", Step onto the stage of Wuzhen Summit.

On the LED background wall behind him, the scroll was pulled and a "Digital Dunhuang" scroll was displayed in front of the audience. Su Bomin said that in the early 1990s, the Dunhuang Academy put forward the concept of "digital Dunhuang" to explore the use of computer technology and image digital technology to reproduce and preserve the precious Dunhuang culture and art.

At present, the Dunhuang Research Institute has established a complete set of key technology systems for digital collection, processing, storage and display of cultural relics, and has formed a mass of digital resources such as digital photography collection, three-dimensional reconstruction of caves, and panoramic roaming of caves, which has become a valuable resource for the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional culture in the digital era.

This means that there are more ways to appreciate the treasures of Chinese culture. Su Bomin introduced that the "Digital Dunhuang" resource library has realized the global sharing of high-definition images and panoramic roaming programs of 30 caves, with visitors in 78 countries around the world, and the cumulative number of visits has exceeded 16.8 million.

Outside the venue, how to make cultural relics live and culture "dazzle" has also become a hot topic for participants.

The Director of the Cultural Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region "endorses" Macao's cultural heritage through the cloud, and they have also been using innovative technology to display Macao's cultural heritage in a diversified way.

Last year, Macao launched VR online tours of the "Zheng Family Mansion" and the "Oriental Fortress", realizing online "cloud tours" of two world heritage sites in Macao. This year, it also launched on-site AR mobile phone applications in the Zheng Family Mansion, allowing visitors to explore multiple interactive scenes of reality and virtual integration in the house through smart phones.

Chen Rui, Chairman and CEO of Bili Bili, introduced Chinese creation to the world. In his view, the tide of video can help Chinese culture "go to sea". He hopes that more and more Chinese creators can take advantage of the trend of video to bring Chinese culture and creation overseas and to the world.

Today, on the Bilibili website, more and more UP owners bring Chinese culture overseas, and overseas UP owners also bring good content to China.

The white paper "Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace" mentioned that China advocates respecting the diversity of cyber culture, advocating that all countries tap their own excellent cultural resources, strengthen the digital production and networked dissemination of high-quality cultural products, promote cyber cultural exchanges and mutual learning among countries, regions and ethnic groups, and promote inclusiveness and coexistence among civilizations.

It is certain that the seeds of online cultural exchange sown by the Wuzhen Summit have begun to take root.

   Cyberspace co governance and achievement sharing

At the Wuzhen Summit in recent years, China has been discussing with all parties how to build a community of shared future in cyberspace, and its connotation has also been increasingly clear: common promotion of development, common maintenance of security, common participation in governance, and common sharing of achievements.

In the exhibition area of this "Internet Light" Expo, cases of "shared achievements" can be seen and felt everywhere.

"Our smart piano classroom is not only exported to 95 countries, but also has entered Gansu and Tibet in the form of public welfare, so that more people can enjoy the joy of music interconnection." Yi Ning, senior public relations manager of Xiaoye Music Technology, told reporters that as long as there is Internet, zero based users can also play "To Alice" with the help of AI.

In the public welfare booth of Tencent Sogou Input Method, the technology is covered with a "warm coat". With the help of eye control devices, disabled users such as limb disorders and progressive frostbite can complete computer text input, and barrier free communication is no longer far away.

"We propose that all parties should pay close attention to the needs and expectations of the elderly, disabled and young people to improve their digital literacy and skills, and strive to narrow the digital divide between groups." At the "Digital Divide Bridging Forum" of the Wuzhen Summit, the National Cyberspace Office launched the "Initiative to Improve the Digital Literacy and Skills of All People", which was mentioned by Wang Jiang, deputy director of the Information Technology Development Bureau of the Cyberspace Office, All parties will work together to promote the digital literacy and skill level of global citizens and make new and greater contributions to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Egyptian Vice Minister of Higher Education Hisham Farouk revealed that Egypt plans to build 12 national universities and 7 science and technology universities. He extended his hands to Chinese enterprises through video, and welcomed Chinese enterprises to participate in the construction of Egyptian infrastructure, network, visual system, security system, camera system and other core fields.

"We should practice the concept of mutual support, mutual trust, and mutual benefit, abandon the zero sum game and the" winner takes all "thinking model, and build a comprehensive Internet governance framework." Pakistani Ambassador to China Moin Haq said that all countries enjoy sovereignty in the development of the Internet, and have the right to participate in the establishment of the Internet regulatory model Formulate public Internet policies and participate equally in global cyberspace governance.

A few days ago, Cao Shumin, Deputy Director of the Office of Cyberspace Affairs, pointed out at the press conference of the white paper "Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace" that China's Internet development and governance practices have explored experience for building a community with a shared future in cyberspace, and also contributed Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions.

She said that all countries in the world should and will be able to find their own road to Internet development and governance due to the diversity of civilizations. China has always adhered to respect for cyber sovereignty, and respected the right of all countries to independently choose the path of cyber development, the mode of cyber management, public policies on the Internet, and equal participation in global cyberspace governance.

Just as the goal of the "Internet Light" Expo is to create an "Internet Light Exhibition Hall" that will not end for 365 days and will be displayed online and offline, Wuzhen also transmits the cutting-edge solutions and development achievements brought by this digital network in Xiaoqiao Shuishui, and strives to explore the digital future of the world.

Yin Xining, reporter of China Youth Daily, China Youth Network Source: China Youth Daily

Editor in charge: Gao Xiumu