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Strong Army Journey | Rooting in the Grand Canyon and Working for the People - Dulongjiang Guards Have Been Loyal in Frontier Defense for 70 Years

Time of publication: 15:45:00, July 30, 2022 Source: Xinhua

Xinhua News Agency, Kunming, July 29 Title: Rooting in the Grand Canyon and Devoting to the People - Dulongjiang Guards' Loyalty in Frontier Defense for 70 Years

Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Changshan, Ji Zhepeng, Zhao Peiran, Wang Yan

The police of Dulongjiang Border Police Station patrolled the border (photographed by Jiang Wenyao, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency on April 20, 2019)

In 1952, officers and soldiers of the army climbed over Gaoligong Mountain and settled in Dulongjiang Township, Gongshan County, Yunnan Province, and then took root in the "extreme land". Over the past 70 years, generations of border guards and police have not changed their original intention, carried forward the tradition of "being afraid of hardship and closing the mountain without stopping their steps", inherited the spirit of "taking root in the Dulong River and being dedicated to the people", overcame bad conditions, served the Dulong people, guarded the harmony and tranquility of the border, wrote a magnificent chapter of "frontier defense dedication" with youth and life, and erected a monument in the Grand Canyon.

   Eight martyrs who have been loyal for 70 years lie here

Dulongjiang Township is the settlement of Dulong nationality. The conditions here are harsh. From October to May of the next year, the mountains are snowed and isolated from the outside world. It was once one of the poorest areas in Yunnan and even in China.

In the 1950s, a group of young people plunged into the Dulong River, opening the prelude to guarding the border for the people. For 70 years, generations of border guards have been stationed here, willing to be lonely, guarding the border and serving the people. "People eat less and eat more." The natural environment of Dulong River is bad, and people are vulnerable to being bitten by poisonous insects, snakes and beasts. Gou Guowei, instructor of Dulongjiang Border Police Station, said that the distance from private soldiers to martyrs is not far.

The Dulong River Border Guard officers and soldiers passed the suspension bridge on their way to patrol that year (data photo, provided by Nujiang River Border Management Detachment)

At one time, the road from Gongshan County to Dulong River was less than 100 kilometers, and it took off-road vehicles about 7 hours to get there. To realize the dream of building roads for the masses, officers and soldiers helped to open the first Dugong road to the outside world. In 2001, Yu Jianhui, a soldier from Beijing, volunteered to take part in the construction of the Renma Post Road to move the stones to the roadside. Due to the unstable subgrade, he fell into the Dulong River with the stones and was swallowed up in an instant. So far, no remains have been found. His elderly parents traveled from Beijing to Nujiang River to see their son fighting in Dulong River. At that time, the mountain was closed by heavy snow and the inside and outside were isolated. The old man could not achieve his wish and cried bitterly when looking at the direction of Dulong River from afar.

In 1964, Zhang Bu had a sudden illness when he was carrying out the boundary investigation mission. Because the mountain was blocked by heavy snow, he could not be transported out to cure the unfortunate death; In 1971, Qiu Danshi was attacked and killed by wild animals while patrolling boundary posts; In 1977, Zhang Qifang fell off a deep cliff and sacrificed himself while carrying out the border protection task; In 1974, Kong Yuliu was washed away by the debris flow on the way to buy living materials to supplement nutrition for his sick comrades in arms; In 1968, Liu Qingguo went to the countryside to cross the suspension bridge and fall into the river... 8 officers and soldiers died in Dulong River successively.

The picture shows that on November 28, 2021, when the Dulongjiang Border Police Station sent the painted picture of the martyr Qi Dang to his widow Qi Xiuzhen, the old man stroked his husband's portrait and burst into tears (picture provided by Dulongjiang Border Police Station)

In those days, many people didn't leave photos. In order to remember the martyrs, the Yunnan border inspection department carried out the collection of martyrs' posthumous photos at the end of last year. The staff came to the home of Qidang, who was poisoned and sacrificed in the countryside in 1979, and sat around the fire pool. According to the family's description, they drew the first draft within hours. Qi Xiuzhen, a lifelong old man, gazed at the portrait for a long time with tears streaming down his face.

"The revolutionary movement does not stress conditions, and the frontier is dedicated to the country." These martyrs are buried in the cemetery on the hillside of Bapo Village, Dulongjiang Township. After visiting, collecting and making, the eight martyrs' photos and portraits were collected and presented on the bank of the Dulong River, looking at the endless green mountains.

The picture shows the Dulongjiang Martyrs Cemetery photographed in May 2022 (provided by Dulongjiang Border Police Station)

The police have changed from one generation to another. The police station has always regarded the Party spirit as the "first requirement" for soul building and police education, and refined the spirit of "Dulong Guardian" in the new era of "rooting in Dulong River to protect the border and building a hometown for the people". Deng Xianghe, the director of the institute, said that over the years, everyone has always been firm in belief, absolutely loyal and committed.

   Dedicated to the people in the Grand Canyon

The police of the local police station adhere to the people's position, promote border defense for the people, enrich the people and prosper the border, and make unremitting efforts for the development of the Dulong nationality. Gou Guowei said that over the past 70 years, the soldiers and police have taken root here, and what they have done is dedication and loyalty.

Before the founding of New China, the Dulong people lived a primitive social life of slash and burn farming. When the officers and soldiers first entered, there was no school here. The masses were almost illiterate, conservative, and faced difficulties such as language barrier and national estrangement. We kept communicating with each other to help the people solve their difficulties and lay the foundation for the Dulong people to leap from primitive society to socialist society.

Maku Village is located at the southernmost end of Dulong River Gorge, with only one post road leading to Myanmar. In 1957, three villagers listened to the rumor that "outsiders are unreliable" and ran back to the mountains. Wang Yuetang, the instructor of the working group, went to the mountain to find them, patiently persuaded them to go back to the stronghold. Through unremitting efforts, the Dulong compatriots wandering in the dense forest walked out of the mountains and chose a relatively flat area to build a village and settle down. The officers and soldiers built vegetable greenhouses and breeding demonstration sites, invested in buying books, fertilizers and pigs for farmers, and guided the Dulong people to change their backward production and lifestyle.

Dulong River Border Guard officers and soldiers taught classes for students at Maku Police and Civilian Primary School (data photo, provided by Nujiang River Border Management Detachment)

The officers and soldiers also led the masses to smash stones, carry wood, roll out a flat, build simple classrooms, and run adult literacy classes and children's enlightenment classes. This is the first school in Dulongjiang. For decades, officers and soldiers have been working hard to teach and devote themselves to running schools. They have sent officers and soldiers with high culture and good quality to schools as teachers. The costs of schools, students' textbooks and homework books are covered by the army. Chen Shiyang, the eighth soldier instructor of Maku Police Primary School, has been teaching for five years and submitted applications for extension of time three times. On the day of his discharge from the army, more than one hundred people came to see him off, holding him in their arms and sobbing. The students put 32 letters and 32 paper boats in his satchel.

"If we are here, we will not let our children drop out of school." The "meeting gift" of officers and soldiers to Dulongjiang is to donate money and materials for primary schools; When we say goodbye, we are doing good deeds for the primary school. Over the past few decades, the school has trained more than 500 Dulong students and graduated from graduate students, writers and leading cadres of the party and government. People call officers and soldiers cultural enlighteners.

Police of Dulongjiang Border Police Station patrolling the border (photographed by Jiang Wenyao, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency on April 20, 2019)

A father and son were suffering from falciparum malaria, and their lives were in danger. Zou Chenghong, a military doctor, arrived on foot for 8 hours. After 4 days and 4 nights of rescue, they became safe; Zhang Qiwei, a military doctor, crawled to the edge of the cliff on a rainy night to rescue Nu Huaguang's wife, who was in labor. Nu Huaguang named the newborn "Junsheng"; In the era of lack of medicine, people came to the police station for help when they were ill. The police station did not charge a fee. It also made regular voluntary visits and delivered free medicine to the door. It was a lifesaving place for the people... There was no room for learning, no room for cutting trees, no room for teaching, no teachers, no soldiers, no ways to dig mountains and roads, no fields for planting, no rice for cooking, and no salt for eating, They belong to the same family as the Dulong people.

   Transformation and restructuring, loyalty and unchangeable

In 2019, the Dulongjiang Border Police Station was changed to the Dulongjiang Border Police Station. There are 38 police officers now. The status of officers and soldiers has changed. The vow of "rooting in Dulongjiang and working for the people" has not changed, and the responsibilities and missions have not changed.

Gou Guowei said that in the new era, we have adhered to the concept of "building a good hometown and guarding the border", adhered to the forefront of serving the masses, and fought in the frontline of border control, epidemic prevention and control, disaster relief and rescue.

Dulong River has a lot of precipitation and frequent geological disasters. Zhang Yaowei, a police officer from Hunan, said, "There are many rainy days here. Once, I haven't seen the sun for many days. When encountering floods, mudslides and other disasters, the police came forward and fought in the front line."

In the last ten days of May 2020, with heavy rain and precipitation of more than 360 mm, the mudslide suddenly attacked, roads, power supply, network, etc. were interrupted, some houses were destroyed, and the police organized the masses to carry out self rescue. Li Jianmin walked for 6 hours, crossing 18 sections of debris flow and collapse, carrying injured migrant workers to the township hospital; At the Qinlangdang Police Office, Peng Chengjun arrived at the headquarters on foot for two days to report the disaster situation to the masses The police transferred more than 650 people and rescued 28 trapped people.

In late May 2020, the police of Dulong River Border Police Station carried out rescue work in the debris flow disaster (provided by Nujiang River Border Management Detachment)

Before the Spring Festival in 2019, the Dulong River will snow extensively and the roads will be interrupted. A Dulong girl suffering from acute appendicitis had to go out for treatment. In order to gain time, the police station set up a party member commando team. After 9 hours of fighting, the young girl rushed to the hospital in time.

Gou Guowei said that soil conservation, border consolidation and stability are the first priorities. He sent all administrative villages to set up six "party, government, army, police and people protection teams" to build an iron wall, and 28 village groups have achieved "zero alarm" for three consecutive years. Each administrative village forms a "mediation team for contradictions and disputes of Communist Party members" to mediate contradictions and disputes and form work records, so as to realize the solution of contradictions in the mountains.

In June 2022, the police of Dulong River Border Police Station will provide compulsory haircut services for the masses (provided by Nujiang Border Management Detachment)

Green channels such as "night household registration room", "mobile card handling service platform", "free certificate license" and "voluntary barber team" are set up to realize door-to-door service, mobile card handling, and door-to-door delivery of certificates, and to complete the poverty alleviation task of 158 registered households and 56 key assisted households in the whole township; Carry out activities of literature and art, compulsory medical treatment, screening and haircut to the countryside; Introduce vegetable greenhouse planting technology, and help villagers develop their industries by means of training, on-site construction, and providing seedlings; We have set up work groups such as the Dulong people's service group, and jointly mediated more than 180 conflicts and disputes... The people call the police "the intimate people sent by the CPC Central Committee to the Dulong people".

Editor in charge: Bai Kejia