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Realize the goal of "double carbon" and jointly build a green home (enter the service trade fair)

Time of publication: 2011-09-08 19:14:00 Author: Wan Yushang, Kai Yuan, Qu Pei Source: People's Daily

China attaches great importance to tackling climate change and will strive to achieve carbon peak by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. At the 2021 China International Trade in Services Fair (CIFS), more than 10 related activities were held around the theme of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, including the "China Carbon Neutral Development Forum", the "Green Development International Summit Forum", and the "Carbon Neutral Economic Development Forum". On how to achieve the "double carbon" goal and strengthen the role of service trade in energy conservation and emission reduction, We will actively explore areas such as building a green development mode and lifestyle, and promoting the construction of global ecological civilization.

"Reflects China's commitment as a major country and its determination to build ecological civilization"

"After breakfast, take an electric car and go to work according to the route planned by intelligent driving; start a day's work in a green building; photovoltaic powered robots send recyclable packages; residential photovoltaic cells store electricity and access the regional grid..." This is a new book "One book to understand carbon neutrality" released at this service trade conference The scene of life in 2060 described in.

In recent years, extreme weather occurs frequently around the world. According to the report of Global Climate 2020 issued by the World Meteorological Organization, 2020 is one of the three hottest years on record. The global average temperature is about 1.2 degrees Celsius higher than the pre industrialization level. 2011-2020 is the hottest decade on record. The main reason for global warming is the continuous emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from human activities.

Tu Ruihe, the representative of the United Nations Environment Programme in China, said that the process of human sustainable development faces three major global environmental crises: first, climate change; Second, ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss; The third is pollution and waste. These three crises are interrelated. "Whether in the short term or the long term, low-carbon and green transformation development will produce the greatest economic, social and ecological environmental benefits, which is the best strategy to revitalize the economy and respond to the three major crises after the epidemic."

Aikas, chief economist of China Bureau of the World Bank, said that China's proposal of the "double carbon" goal was welcomed by the international community and was of great significance to the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Zhu Yaming, co managing partner of Ernst&Young's energy and resources industry in China, said that the "dual carbon" goal requires "achieving the highest global carbon emission intensity reduction in a relatively short period of time, which fully reflects China's responsibility as a major country and its determination to build ecological civilization". At present, the scale of renewable energy development and utilization in China ranks first in the world, ultra-high voltage technology is being promoted on a large scale, the production scale and ownership of new energy vehicles and lithium batteries are leading in the world, and the forest stock has increased year by year, which indicates that China has laid the foundation for achieving the goal of "double carbon". It is believed that under the guidance of top-level design and policies, through the efforts of the whole society, "double carbon" The vision will come true.

"Achieve low-carbon emission reduction and green cost sharing in all links of the global industrial chain"

At this trade fair, many Chinese enterprises brought cases to show how to promote green development, which showed the great opportunities created by green transformation and sustainable development.

JD Cloud East China Data Center energy conservation and emission reduction practice is one of them. With the acceleration of industrial digital and intelligent transformation, the demand for energy consumption in data centers is also growing. In this year's "618" promotion, thanks to the new generation of customized central processing unit, storage and power system, the performance of JD Cloud East China Data Center single cabinet is more than 50% higher than that of traditional servers, and the energy consumption is more than 7% lower than that of the cabinet with the same configuration. Through the application of frequency conversion, indirect evaporative cooling and other energy-saving technologies and refined management, the annual average power utilization efficiency of the data center is declining year by year.

Good international service trade cooperation is the "booster" to achieve the goal of "double carbon". Zhu Yaming said that trade in services can promote the deep integration of low-carbon advanced technologies and form an international advanced green low-carbon industrial cluster. In the context of building a green "Belt and Road", low-carbon green service trade cooperation can provide economic investment impetus to promote the realization of the "double carbon" goal. "Through international multilateral cooperation, promote the formulation of global trade rules related to carbon pricing, strive to achieve low-carbon emission reduction and green cost sharing in all links of the global industrial chain, and promote the development of green trade".

Chang Qide, coordinator of the United Nations in China, said that transportation will play an important role in achieving the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development. The joint construction of the "Belt and Road" has set an example for sustainable transportation development, and has brought benefits to countries and regions along the line. "At this trade fair, I saw specific measures put forward by all sectors of China to achieve the goal of reducing emissions, such as the carbon inclusive activity of green travel in Beijing. I believe that China can achieve sustainable growth and gain a lot of new opportunities for green development."

Wei Shujie, president and CEO of Michelin Group in China, said that the 14th Five Year Plan outlines how to accelerate the green transformation of the development mode from four aspects: resource utilization efficiency, utilization system, green economy and policy system. Green transformation and digital transformation also bring huge business opportunities. Traditional industries need transformation and upgrading, new industries and new jobs will also appear, and investors will find new opportunities. Enterprises with a sense of social responsibility and an emphasis on environmental protection will be more popular with consumers and investors. Market demand is changing, and green consumption has become fashionable.

"The international community should strengthen cooperation and jointly improve the capacity for green development"

The clear singing of birds, the elegant fragrance of flowers, the green grass around, and the green color all over the eyes... This is an audio-visual feast brought to the visitors by the exhibition area of China Service Trade Development Achievements Exhibition at this trade fair. Adhering to the environmental protection concept of reduction, reuse and recycling, more than 90% of the building materials in the exhibition area can be recycled.

Backed by tropical plants, videos from the Philippines and Costa Rica are playing on the electronic screen. At present, in some tropical rainforests of the two countries, many old solar powered mobile phones have become "downwind ears", which can monitor the voice of human activities and the cry of spider monkeys in the rainforest in real time and push them to forest rangers and biologists through artificial intelligence cloud recognition and mobile phone application software. If there is the sound of the engine and the electric saw of the logging bandits, the forest ranger can stop them at the first time according to the location. Biologists can judge the population and activity rules of local spider monkeys according to their calls, and conduct conservation research.

From disposable tableware to household products, from electronic product shells to helmets, from car interiors to wind turbine blades, bamboo is widely used in urban and rural life, industrial production, building materials and other industries, and is becoming an important part of low-carbon life. Fu Jinhe, Director of the East Africa Regional Office of the International Organization for Bamboo and Rattan, said that as a green, low-carbon, fast-growing, easily renewable and degradable biomass material, bamboo can replace wood and high energy consuming plastics, concrete, steel, etc. to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction and help achieve carbon neutrality.

In 2020, the Central Economic Work Conference proposed that we should hurry up to formulate the action plan for carbon peak by 2030, and support qualified places to take the lead in reaching the peak. Edward Kimani, Minister of the Kenyan Embassy in China, believes that the Chinese government and people are increasingly aware of environmental protection, and many practices around the realization of the "double carbon" goal have attracted the attention of the world. "Kenya is at the forefront of tackling climate change and biodiversity conservation, and can learn from China's environmental protection actions. The international community should strengthen cooperation to jointly improve green development capacity."

Somali Ambassador to China Avale said that Somalia is rich in wind and solar energy resources, and Chinese enterprises have accumulated rich experience and mature technology in the development and utilization of green energy. He hoped that Somalia would strengthen cooperation with China to build a new clean energy system, solve the shortage of power supply in Somalia and reduce carbon emissions.

Editor in charge: Bai Kejia